Example sentences of "they would [verb] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On entering the yard through the correct entrance , they would have been met by me , who would then have informed them that the smoke was merely magic smoke to lend atmosphere to the proceedings and that there was no cause for total panic as some pupils would seem to be prone to . ’
2 Rather they would have been bound by Roxborough 's edict to destroy him at whatever cost to their bodies , souls or sanity that might entail .
3 Erm , on the basis that they should be put back into the position that they would have been had there been no breach .
4 Both of these measures had been under discussion for a number of years , and but for the war there is every reason to believe they would have been enacted earlier .
5 In another country they would have been called intellectuals , but the English have never admitted to having any intellectuals .
6 He said : ‘ In the Second World War they would have been branded as lacking in moral fibre and been shunned by their service colleagues .
7 How long before they would have been branded as Nazis , with all their war records published in the newspapers ?
8 they would have been adjusted , yes
9 And if Jesus were the legitimate claimant of that monarchy , they would have been unified in their support of him , his family and his house .
10 When positive wax models are used they are extremely difficult to extract from the clay and they would have been destroyed in melting them out .
11 On the other hand , they would have been inspired by the promise that they , as loyal adherents of the Messiah , would be granted a unique recompense for their fidelity and for any suffering they had incurred .
12 If the Labour Party had announced , in 1964 or 66 , its intention to ‘ oppose capitalism ’ fundamentally and had explained what this was likely to involve in terms of dislocation of international trade and payments ( even Callaghan 's mildly redistributive budget of 1964 was enough to cause a run on the pound ) , and the onus which would have to be placed on the trade unions in running industry , given the likely non-co-operation of many among the managerial strata , it is quite implausible to say they would have been elected to office .
13 If he showed them the latest Washington telegram which he had seen before his departure [ KPs 66 and 85 ] , they would have been made aware that although they had to exercise the utmost restraint for the time being , a new and firmer policy might soon be adopted .
14 In an ideal world , of course , they would have been beaten and thrown out ceremonially into the street to the jeers of the patrons , but you ca n't have everything .
15 They would have been locked out in the street .
16 Latterly , they would have been reading Virgin books , watching Virgin videos and Virgin films .
17 However , the COB Rules that are applied to these group activities will only apply if they would have been regulated business ( and so within the territorial scope of the SFA rules ) if they had in fact been investment business .
18 An embarrassing historical fact for falsificationists is that if their methodology had been strictly adhered to by scientists then those theories generally regarded as being among the best examples of scientific theories would never have been developed because they would have been rejected in their infancy .
19 They would have been chewing the carpet but for the fact that the floor was concrete .
20 The likelihood , indeed , is that they would have been repeated and rehearsed many times ( 'now that 's a very good point you 're making there — I wonder if you could conceivably contrive to put it a little more precisely' ) .
21 But for that mole in the Securitate they would have been dawdling through the hills on their own .
22 Although based on research of lasting value , the draft Articles on service of documents rest overmuch on United States perceptions and would not have survived the sort of examination to which they would have been exposed at an international diplomatic conference .
23 Whether they would have been swayed by representations on behalf of any of the parties one knows not , but it is a defect in the proceedings which strengthens the application on the part of the local authority for reconsideration of the justices ' decision .
24 But the fact is that a Hunt victory was not on the Ferrari books if they had ceded — after a re-start which looked as though it favoured Hunt — they would have been lynched in Italy , where only a Ferrari is allowed to win .
25 This implies that at least 53% of lone mothers would be classified as unoccupied ; they would have been regarded as economically inactive at the census , and at death registration the instructions to registrars would preclude the recording of any occupational information .
26 There they would have been complaining about the weather , the European Commission 's new fishing controls and the imminence of bankruptcy .
27 Charles and Diana frequently visited their brother John 's lichen-covered grave in the Sandringham churchyard and mused about what he would have been like and whether they would have been born if he had lived .
28 They would have been appreciated more in America .
29 So whatever fibres were flying around they would have been carrying ’ .
30 Furthermore , if the members of the harmonie rustique were moving around the stage as part of the spectacle , it seems much less likely that they would have been changing instruments picking up a flute for one number , a bassoon for another than they might have done had they been playing from a pit .
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