Example sentences of "they have [vb pp] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In short , that they have appropriated a look , a style , and imbued it with no more than a vacuous narcissism , a barbaric bricolage mirroring a generation lost cynical ironic gestures and strategies .
2 No , they have gone a bit cool towards her .
3 They have conducted a number of Antique Roadshows in different part of the diocese , and would be pleased to hear from parish secretaries who would like to the come to the parishes .
4 Animals also need to cope with the severity of winter , and they have developed a variety of ways of doing this .
5 Figure 3.4 At birth , herring gull chicks will peck equally at models of adult bills of either herring or laughing gulls ; but after seven days they have developed a preference for the model of the adult of their own species .
6 They have developed a bond with the Dragon Princes down the centuries which is now bred into their very spirit .
7 Forehand and McMahon ( 1981 ) have written a very helpful and detailed therapeutic account of how to help parents with non-compliant children , and they have developed a method of helping these parents through an activity they call the ‘ Child 's Game ’ .
8 IBM Corp has a less than impressive record in turning developments in its laboratories into commercial products , but perhaps that will change when an outsider is installed at the helm , and IBM researchers say they have developed a polymer film that can capture and hold vast amounts of data in the form of hologram images at speeds 100 to 1,000 times faster than current Winchester disk drives .
9 When you listen to one of the rather better Kylie records , they have taken a girl who does n't really have a great voice , who is an actress , and slowly they have developed a career where she actually now has a sound which is similar to some of the girly groups in the 60 ’ s , in a totally different way .
10 In pursuit of this goal they have developed a number of specialized techniques .
11 Mind you they have done a bit more to it since Wiggie 's been there in as much as she 's had a big curtain put across
12 However , although that enumeration may appear exhaustive , the ingenuity of the legislative institutions is such that they have adopted a number of other Acts outside those categories such as , for example , action programmes , codes of conduct , resolutions .
13 They believe they have adopted a model that offers hope to all the poor of El Salvador .
14 They have waged a campaign against Town .
15 They have converted a meadow into 30 " mini-meadows " of one square metre , each planted with grasses and plants .
16 There is a frisson between them as if they have discovered a game of role-playing which both find sexually stimulating .
17 The power of decision being committed by the statute exclusively to the housing authority , their exercise of the power can only be challenged before the courts on the strictly limited grounds ( i ) that their decision was vitiated by bias or procedural unfairness ; ( ii ) that they have reached a conclusion of fact which can be impugned on the principles set out in the speech of Lord Radcliffe in Edwards v. Bairstow [ 1956 ] A.C. 14 ; or ( iii ) that , in as far as they have exercised a discretion ( as they may require to do in considering questions of reasonableness under section 17(1) ( 2 ) and ( 4 ) ) , the exercise can be impugned on the principles set out in the judgment of Lord Greene M.R. in Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd. v. Wednesbury Corporation [ 1948 ] 1 K.B .
18 Usually they really believe this and do not accept that they have made a mistake .
19 If Hamer have sought to redesign this feature so that it looks better overall then I 'd suggest that they have made a mistake .
20 I know few people in my situation will admit they have made a mistake for rear of looking silly .
21 They can be bare records of numbers and events or they can be windows on a living school and most heads will be able to think of ways in which reports can be used to enrich governor perceptions , prompt good questions and solicit positive advice and support as soon as they have made a breakthrough into a sense of their responsibility for creating a favourable climate .
22 Detectives think they have made a breakthrough in their search for a college rapist .
23 When they re-emerge , a morning later , they have made a television set , a video recorder with space to insert cassettes , three appropriately sized cassettes labelled with the names of the programmes and three alternative pictures of ‘ scenes ’ from each cassette to fit the TV screen .
24 They have made a host of friends who will greatly miss them .
25 The supervisor can see from the depth gauge that they have made a seal , and contact between bell and supervisor would then be via a through water communications system .
26 The kitemark and logo of the ACRG signify that successful students have completed a planned programme of studies involving at least 500 study hours by which they have achieved a level of attainment appropriate for admission to higher education .
27 Users often do not notice that they have miskeyed a word , and many systems do not make it clear why they have failed to find anything .
28 Indian friends have testified that they have witnessed a Cobra at night with its ‘ jewel ’ glowing , moving through the undergrowth In search of water .
29 They have created a CD market in which there is ‘ no serious price competition ’ .
30 Aha , just as they thought , and they have kept a lookout for movement , a flash that reveals the enemy position .
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