Example sentences of "they had been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , they could not have studied the group if they had been honest about themselves , but perhaps that just means that there are some social contexts that we can not study .
2 Hitherto , they had been subject to largely servile pieces , containing five paragraphs of biographical detail , three to describe the speed of the music ( with at least one simile ) and two humorous asides from Gedge .
3 As Poles they had been subject to St Petersburg 's longstanding attempts to interfere in relations between Polish nobles and non-Polish peasants .
4 They knew from their own and others ' research that there was a diminishing prospect for children returning home once they had been long in care .
5 Most Victorian cities had been urban centres since at least the Middle Ages , though of course they had been tiny in comparison with the size they attained in the nineteenth century .
6 They had been vociferous to the effect that the ‘ tithes should come down ’ and the men should ‘ have higher wages ’ .
7 The Court of Appeal reserved judgment on the challenge by auctioneers Messenger May Baverstock of Guildford to a High Court ruling that they had been negligent in selling for £840 two oil paintings that soon fetched £88,000 at Sotheby 's as works of George Stubbs .
8 She wished to bring an action against her employers alleging that they had been negligent in failing adequately to protect her against the known risk of injury from this pupil .
9 These would include claims against the vendor 's professional advisers if they had been negligent in advising on the negotiation of the transaction .
10 As two young married couples they had been close for a time when they lived near Stoke , although Carole had not got on at all well with Amaranth .
11 They had been close like this before but not at Felipe 's instigation .
12 Since then they had been awkward in each other 's company and everything seemed to have gone wrong .
13 But she 'd been born at a better time and there were arts councils and they had been good to her .
14 Equally , in the case of John Main at Inverkeithing , he and his two fellow excisemen were threatened with the board 's displeasure in 1752 , when the collector of Bo'ness accepted , without any enquiry into the facts , an allegation that they had been guilty of excessive drinking and had thereby neglected their duties .
15 6–8–1880 Archibald Currie etc appeared and " mutually acknowledged that they had been guilty of quarrelling some time ago in a way scandalous to religion in the community where they reside .
16 For the most part they had been one of Europe 's invisible , historyless , subject peoples .
17 For the first four years of the new school 's existence the buildings were used much as they had been prior to amalgamation , but in 1974 organisation was rationalised to provide departmental areas with teaching rooms and adjacent resource bases .
18 It might well prove to be all they could do to find their way across the heather to some quiet field or copse-bank like those they had been used to .
19 Of the 532 — members of all social classes and from all over the country — 24 girls and 13 boys said they had been involved in prostitution at some time .
20 A group of evangelical youth organisations wanted to find a way to send 18–23 year olds they had been involved in discipling to put their faith to work .
21 He had been drinking all day with Slatter on 3 April , they had consumed some fourteen or fifteen quarts of ale , they had entered the Chequers , where they had been involved in an argument with two large men he now knew to be Hewett and Charlton .
22 From the moment the family moved to Frome in the early 17th century and gave up being subsistence farmers with a complementary craft skill or two under their belts , they had been involved in one way or another with the world of industry — be it as manufacturing craftsmen or as retailers .
23 More of the non-medical staff said that fundholding had changed their job , and when asked to elaborate said that they had been involved in a lot of extra work .
24 As you were aware , they had been involved in Three Hills in er developing Ayletts Field and successfully with us on our our most recent one .
25 ‘ If they had been involved in the kind of ideas that led to this distinctive industrial policy of '73 –'74; they would have demanded as a quid pro quo for the successive incomes policies of 1975–6–7 the other side of the social contract , that these various aspects of industrial policy and worker participation in its various forms should be implemented ’ ( 1980 , p.7 ) .
26 He did not say whether they had been involved in any of the English advice or whether they were advising on the valuations as going concerns as bus stations or advising on the development values .
27 Two weeks ago Randalstown lost to Old Alexandra in the All Ireland Cup , but that was due to fatigue as the previous weekend they had been involved in the European Indoor Club Championship .
28 The three alleged leaders arrested were Moslem Brotherhood members , although their lawyer on March 15 denied that they had been involved in any type of illegal activity .
29 Growing congressional concern over the matter had also been demonstrated by the decision of the Senate armed services committee to block promotion for more than 4,500 Navy and Marine Corps officers until information was forthcoming on whether or not they had been involved in the assaults .
30 how far teachers felt that they had been involved in the review ;
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