Example sentences of "they had not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Additionally , many single people admit that they had not realised before how much they relied on their job for companionship and sometimes , even for part of their week-end social life .
2 Furthermore , they had not consulted with her .
3 Nevertheless five men , who had been imprisoned because they deliberately and flagrantly disobeyed the orders of the NIRC , and so imperilled the rule of law and ‘ our whole way of life ’ , were released although they had not asked to be released and had made clear that they had no intention of apologizing to the court for their behaviour or of desisting from that behaviour .
4 She complained that her children had apparently not been allowed access to a Baptist minister , but was told that they had not asked for religious support when it was offered .
5 While they had not asked for permission to enter his lands and claimed they were not in a position to pay for the disturbance , they promised he would be well looked after if the find was as good as appeared .
6 It was almost as though the young man was preoccupied , troubled by some other problem or aspect which they had not touched upon .
7 ( Today no one would dare propose such a thing , even purely as a thought experiment , but in Schrödinger 's time they had not heard of animal liberation . )
8 He wondered aloud why they had not heard from the officer who had gone to check on the man seen with MacQuillan at the Black Friar .
9 Since Freemantle had to walk within a few yards of Leapor 's door whenever she approached Brackley from Hinton , it is perhaps odd that they had not met at least in passing .
10 Both reluctantly agreed that they had reputations for fighting , but insisted that they had not strived for such status .
11 What they had not bargained for was the prejudice of the trial judge , Lord Grant , who , as Nicky relates in his recently published memoirs , made it plain from the outset that he believed , as the police believed , that Meehan was guilty .
12 The accused would not be present , and misunderstandings sometimes arose between judge and counsel , or between counsel and client , resulting in the accused often receiving a sentence which they thought they had not bargained for .
13 But they had not reckoned with Lord Robertson .
14 They had not reckoned with the mentality of CPP officials , used to exercising unchallenged authority in a one-party state .
15 When patients who did not contact their general practitioners before their attempts were questioned about why they had not gone to their doctor , it was found that many were reluctant to trouble him , some had found him unhelpful in the fist , and others thought he was unlikely to be helpful or might even be unsympathetic ( Hawton and Blackstock 1976 ) .
16 Bora Mulitonovic 's side had won just once in their last 16 games and they had not scored for 389 minutes .
17 They had not worried for themselves , only about what would happen to Emily .
18 So far they had not ventured beyond the great boundary walls ; many times Ana came with them and this was allowed after Felipe noticed Maggie 's protective attitude to the girl and the gentle way that Mitch dealt with her .
19 The firms will be liable for poor work and other breaches of professional standards and requirements , unless they can prove that they had not contributed to the misconduct which was wholly attributable to some other individual ( including partners , employees or non-members ) .
20 The Confait Case ( 1977 ) illustrated how innocent suspects could be pressurised into confessing to something they had not done in the face of sophisticated techniques of interrogation and rather less sophisticated threats .
21 They had not eaten for nearly two days .
22 Justice Department and CIA officials had made mistakes in how they had handled certain classified information concerning BNL loans , a series of errors which Lacey characterized as " a fiasco " , but they had not engaged in any criminal wrongdoing .
23 The extent of royal jurisdiction varied enormously : at one extreme lay Roger II , the would-be autocrat , uttering absolutist doctrines out of Justinian ; or the English king , who , however tied by custom , had effective control both of the king 's court , which retained a wide jurisdiction and was capable , under Henry II , of rapid expansion , and over the old popular courts of the shire and , where they had not fallen into private hands , of the hundred ; at the other extreme was the German king , much of whose jurisdiction had been delegated to the ecclesiastical immunities , and equally much was slipping , in the twelfth century , into princely hands ; or the French king , who was expected to do high justice to all who came , but received comparatively few callers from outside the royal domain .
24 The reason that the protest was n't accepted by the courts in this country was that they had not protested with equivalent vigour at an earlier stage when the looted antiquities first appeared on the market .
25 He had asked Moray , Lindsay , Leslie and others , but they had further to come , and could follow on later if they had not come by the morrow .
26 She hoped that they had not dispersed from their downstairs room .
27 Yet the fact was , they had not benefited by the death , nor would they necessarily do so .
28 Work for older women was as badly paid , but for many it was more of a gain because they had not earned at all while their children were young .
29 They had not slept in the same bed for nearly two years .
30 Some were ‘ safe ’ , because , like Malaysia , they had not borrowed beyond their capacity to repay .
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