Example sentences of "they work [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Did they work through the night as well , was it shiftwork there ?
2 They worked through the night so as to produce a document to deposit with the local planning officer , the library and museum in Totnes .
3 They worked through the night and one appliance stayed until after 4pm yesterday when the fire at last burned out .
4 It was essential they worked through the problems for themselves .
5 They also had magnifying glasses to help them with the extraordinarily fine detail which they worked into the seal images : some lenses were found in a Middle Minoan tomb at Knossos .
6 And , having no idea how important this or that person was , whether they worked for the BBC or the TLS or the BFI , he treated them all with equal condescension .
7 How they worked for the dissidents , raised money , edited a Ukrainian language broadsheet .
8 That evening as they worked on the catapult , Endill told Mould about what Mr Fractor had said to him .
9 Officials from the HSE told MPs that their work on implementing the recommendation of Britain 's advisory committee on asbestos was held up for two years while they worked on the EEC plan .
10 They worked on the plans for future operations .
11 The blunders of the Cour des Comptes may be due to the fact they worked on the basis of an often vaguely worded inventory of 1912 .
12 Brando brought Stanley Kubrick into the project as the film 's director and together they worked on the script for several months .
13 During these weeks Seb rarely saw Carrie , except for a few hours each Sunday when they worked on the farm ledgers together at the Hankses ' cottage , and even here they were rarely alone .
14 Those who were already more vulnerable , however , due to lack of such a relationship , were half as likely to develop depression following a provoking agent if they worked outside the home .
15 Glasgow ambulance staff yesterday voted to observe TUC guidelines after management had warned that those on patient transfer would have their pay docked by three quarters unless they worked normally , and accident and emergency staff would lose half their pay unless they worked within the guidelines .
16 Three years ago they worked round the clock to clear several inches of the stuff .
17 In the south around the centres of population part-time farmers worked mainly in urban areas as teachers , advisers or tradesmen , whilst in more remote areas they worked in the forests , in the hydro-electricity industry , or as lorry/bus drivers .
18 They worked in the kitchen or or huts
19 At first they worked in the Direktor 's villa , then moved to the icy theatre , where his last fear was removed .
20 Temperatures were so high in some of the deep mines that the ‘ tinners ’ had to be sprayed with cold water while they worked in the dark with candles fixed to their helmets .
21 They were hard men at work , but gentle at home ; there was nothing intellectual in their daily toil , but many were well-read and very literate ; some were hard-drinking and swearing , but many were God-fearing and kirk-going ; they worked in the dark and the dirt , but their ambitions for their families were high ; they could disagree violently , but they trusted each other for their safety underground .
22 Some of them and they made them Leslie and Eric and James , Jimmy and Andrew and Jim and Georgie and Jim and them , they worked in the Wintertime you see and made the barrels .
23 British Gas South West whose workmen has discovered a kerb side leak , they worked throughout the night in there to cut away the damaged pipe repaired to make it safe
24 After dark , they worked by the light of the city 's fires and by candles the ten remaining nurses held for them .
25 They work on the quay . ’
26 They work on the principle of a pantograph which can operate in three dimensions to carve a variety of materials such as marble , plastic and wood .
27 They work on the principle that most people pay up if they 're pestered for long enough .
28 Initial proofs of all entries requiring attention will be delivered to lexicographers before they work on the material for the first time .
29 With these types of horses , try to sit very lightly and note how they work on the lunge without the weight on their back compared to how they work under a rider .
30 He 's bowling with considerable pace there , did Lawrence , that wicket 's cheered him up and he was rushing in , he 's got his line right , round that off stump and plays a bit of a open face anyway , so those in the slip Gordon beware and the one that did get an edge , it flew through , both Ian Botham who 's at second and Graham Gooch , they both stand pretty close , they work on the theory that it 's better to drop them then to have them bouncing in front of you , but they could have been about five yards deeper in that , the one , that , that went flying through with the character .
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