Example sentences of "they also [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They also remove at a stroke the central workplace the bedrock of strong trade union organization .
2 They also benefit from the higher degree of social solidarity which seems to accompany more pluralistic systems .
3 Specialist cells serve other cells in the club and they also benefit from the efficiency of other specialists .
4 They also come into the works voluntarily on Sunday mornings to assist the ERPS team who are working on the locomotive .
5 They also come with a pool , barbecue area and jacuzzi . ’
6 They also come in a reasonably wide range of standard sizes for d-i-y installation ; professional installers usually make to measure , so awkward sizes are n't a problem .
7 And they also come in a Fragrance Free alternative , for mums concerned about extra sensitive baby skin .
8 On the sensitive issue of the WEU [ see also above ] the draft stated only that decisions with defence implications " can be entirely or partially implemented in the framework of the WEU to the degree they also come within the competence of this body " .
9 They also differ in the nature of the system which would deliver that which is desired .
10 Not only do notes provide a record that can be referred to , but they also act as a check on how well you are listening .
11 They also act as a badge of ownership , particularly to other males of the same species .
12 They also act as an important catalyst for ‘ team-building ’ for Departments .
13 They also act as an insulation
14 Moreover , in addition to covering the decision making and decision taking stages of the problem solving process they also interface with the solution implementation and control stages ( see Fig. 1 ) .
15 The berries grow on low vines in damp , marshy ground , but they also thrive in the sandy hills along the coastline of New England where they benefit from the salty spray of the sea .
16 Polar bears , especially mothers with cubs , tend to spend the summer on the islands , where they also graze on the vegetation .
17 And since the water authorities are enforcement agencies they also control to a very great degree what may seem to be some sort of ‘ real level ’ of pollution which comes to light in amount and kind — those events or incidents which are detected and processed , becoming statistics of non-compliance or even , in some rare cases , of prosecutions in annual reports .
18 They also function as a focus for the generation of collective values and a group identity which is considered desirable given the fragmented and impermanent nature of pupil attendance .
19 They also function from the perspective of the encoder or utterer and are thus significantly grammaticalised in the language .
20 They also refer outside the text to the cultural and symbolic codes that the reader ( Balzac 's , if not Barthes 's ) might be expected to know .
21 What the staff provide is understanding and tolerance of difficult behaviour ; they also assist with the practical caring tasks of washing , dressing and feeding , and they encourage , supervise and train patients to carry out these tasks for themselves .
22 They also object on the grounds that , while Sotheby 's disclaims any ownership interest in the treasure and was merely the agent for Lord Northampton , they are by no means convinced that this is the case , especially as it has come to light during the discovery process that the former chairman of Sotheby 's , the late Peter Wilson , played the leading role in the treasure 's acquisition and had a share in its value , inherited by his sons , Thomas and Philip .
23 They also insist on a high level of quality — the fact that clothing from Benjamin Simon 's Lees factory is sold in Dior 's Paris flagship store is proof that their quality control works .
24 They also point to a hung parliament .
25 Yet they also point to the conflict between feminism inside art history , which often seems little more than a maker of changing the gender of the artist as hero , and feminism as a more complex , multi-focused , or interdisciplinary project which utterly transforms the objects art history usually studies by refusing to treat them as simply ‘ works of art ’ created by ‘ artists ’ .
26 They also draw on the qualitative , communal , agentic approaches of humanist psychology , and redefine them as feminine .
27 They also draw upon the system 's attributes : an ability to mobilise talent and resources , coherence of policy and direction ; the ability of the centre to support and remove obstacles ; and the possibility of combining strategy with flexibility .
28 The deaths in disasters like Hillsborough are certainly tragic but they also fall into the realms of normal human experience .
29 Of course often they also fall into the first two categories mentioned , but it seems that household membership operates separately in relation to giving assistance , so that a particular child who shares a home with their parent is much more likely to be giving personal care than their siblings .
30 They apply to different communities , they have responded to different communities ' needs but they also contribute to a ripple effect of achievement at national and international levels which will ultimately benefit the lives of many more children .
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