Example sentences of "they come from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They came from the right hon. Member for Brent , North ( Sir R. Boyson ) ; from the hon. Member for Hendon , South ( Mr. Marshall ) ; from the hon. Member for Lancaster ( Dame E.
2 They came from the armed forces , from war work , from factory , farm , workshop and office .
3 From the 1960s to the 1980s , they came from the impoverished north-eastern states — Paraiba , Pernambuco , Bahia and Minas Gerais — to find shelter , food and livelihood in a city that has expelled them .
4 As for the clothes , money and jewellery sported by many locals , they came from the gruesome supply of drowned bodies that were washed ashore each morning on the high tide .
5 They came from the four corners of the world , east and west , north and south , and they spoke many languages .
6 Encouraged by the pride of the town authorities , the Guy Fawkes celebrations provided an annual explosion for the town 's poor : deprived as they had been of saints ' days with the advent of Puritanism , they came from the miserable hovels cramped in the town 's back alleys to protest not only against the symbols of oppression but also , in bad years , against the local oligarchy .
7 They came from the big houses down the loch or over the pass towards Loch Lomond , or the castle at Inverary , from miles and miles , little girls in furred and caped coats and dresses gathered into heavy bows behind the cascades of ringlets .
8 Denis wondered sometimes if they came from the same father and mother .
9 These characteristics very considerably , but similar patterns can be found in several different churches and one can be fairly confident they came from the same workshop .
10 They came from the same country .
11 I er I did n't buy them and he sent us three boxes and they came from the same warehouse .
12 Although there is no precise information about the provenance of all of these finds , it is reasonable to assume that they came from the original excavation of the ‘ villa ’ or from adjacent sites .
13 We need to be able to take deliveries at all times of the day and it is very difficult to dictate to carriers , especially when they come from the other end of the country , what time they can deliver .
14 They come from the other way
15 Well they come from the right area , do n't they ?
16 The curriculum is designed by teachers who unconsciously reflect the view that city life is best , even if they come from the rural areas .
17 What was interesting about those MPs who were swift to defend him was that they come from the traditional working-class wing of the parliamentary party — people like Jimmy Hood , or Aberdeen North 's Bob Hughes .
18 They come from the roughest jails where they expect trouble all the time .
19 They come from the upper classes and are socially acceptable .
20 FROM the birth of radio astronomy in 1932 , when Jansky discovered cosmic radio waves and established that they come from the Galactic Centre , it has been clear that something very remarkable is taking place at the core of the Milky Way .
21 Although they come from the same family as the more familiar Corydoras , they differ in both body shape and breeding habit .
22 If John and Bill have a lot in common if , for example , they come from the same community or are part of the same culture then Bill is likely to interpret most of the signals in the way John intended .
23 It is interesting to note that they come from the same stable that brought us the national insurance surcharge .
24 ‘ As you say , when these instructions arrive , you 'll find that they come from the very top .
25 They come from the Arctic , to winter in Caithness , as do flights of wild whooper swans from Iceland .
26 We accept figures for newspaper circulations because they come from the independent Audit Bureau of Circulation .
27 Yes , they come from the local schools and erm The Watch , the children of what they call The Watch erm part of the Sussex Trust come along , and erm oh , they just pop in and very often they , at the end of term they come with tadpoles and things that they Oh , I , I have n't mentioned the frogs and toads , we 've plenty of those .
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