Example sentences of "they see [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The new emphasis was not universally approved of , purists objecting to what they saw as a tendency for accountants to look a project over and approve or disapprove of it from the beginning .
2 What they saw as a problem , he saw as a challenge .
3 Rose 's coming to the house had smoothed their lives and allowed them to concentrate everything on school and study , which , above all , they saw as a way out of the house and into a life of their own .
4 That is to say , all seized on an element of structural and formal strength in his work , which they saw as a corrective to the formlessness which had characterized so much French painting since the Impressionists had insisted on the validity of an instantaneous form of vision , that had so often dissolved the solidity of the material world into a haze of atmospheric colour and light .
5 The LDP forced it through its committee stages in the House of Representatives — the Lower House of the Diet — on Nov. 27 , thereby causing a brawl to erupt amongst legislators angry over what they saw as a flouting of established procedure .
6 Belgium , France , West Germany , the Netherlands and Luxembourg reached a draft agreement in March 1989 providing for the abolition of their respective border controls by the beginning of January 1990 , in what they saw as a model for the complete abolition of customs posts throughout the EC after 1992 .
7 There were demonstrations in Moldavia ( renamed Moldova ) calling for greater control over local affairs , and in particular for official status for the Moldavian language ; there were counter-demonstrations by the republic 's non-Moldavian population , more than a third of the total , against what they saw as a form of reverse discrimination ( Russian , in the event , was retained as a means of inter-nationality communication ) .
8 Increased immigration militated against the absorption of new arrivals in existing Shetlander networks ; while at the same time it was accompanied by the creation of new networks composed of incomers -incomers found shared interests in what they saw as a frontier zone .
9 In 1951 Burgess and Maclean fled to Moscow ; Aneurin Bevan and Harold Wilson resigned from the Labour government in protest at the imposition of charges within the National Health Service , which they saw as an attack on the principles of the Welfare State .
10 Some nativist elements in the host community were critical of what they saw as an assault on local culture by alien Jewish values and it was this ethnocentric attitude to change , when allied to the existence of genuine social grievances , which was to make some parts of the East End a fertile reception area for racial populist and anti-immigrant movements right through from the British Brothers League in 1900 , the BUF from 1936 to 1940 , the League of Ex-Servicemen and the Union Movement in the 1940s , to the National Front in the 1970s .
11 The philosophers may have been generally unsympathetic to what they saw as an encroachment on their territory , while the sociologists have done their best to incorporate or adapt Mannheim 's project to fit with a paradigm in which they were already working .
12 Here , following the banner of reform , led by the gentlemen of that most aristocratic Whig Government , led by Lord Grey , Lord Melbourne , Lord John Russell , they saw for a time before them the high road to a better and fairer ordering of society .
13 This mechanism is social stratification , which they see as a system which attaches unequal rewards and privileges to the different positions in society .
14 The fact that there are parts of Britain which have clambered out of real poverty , and primitive housing , within the lifetime of my own generation they see as a hope and a challenge .
15 Some reserve a special anger for France , the Maghreb 's former colonial power , because of what they see as a betrayal of its politique Arabe .
16 Shop stewards and employees at the factory are angered by what they see as a sell out of British workers :
17 Traders have hit back with a T shirt campaign , warning town shoppers and town planners alike of what they see as a threat to the very fabric of the town centre .
18 MP after MP is returning from awkward constituency surgeries in the shires with tales of hard-saving but far-from-affluent constituents , Tory to the marrow , boiling with rage at what they see as a government out of touch and misdirected .
19 It is a feature of modern administration in medical care at any level , whether the team on the ward or the hospital board or any other body , that they assert and seek to defend what they see as a right to autonomy and self-government , while using and distributing to a greater or lesser extent public resources .
20 They come in , widen a few roads , build a couple of schools , and keep a firm hold over what they see as a bunch of ‘ upstart blacks ’ . ’
21 But the ever-increasing majority of church members who want women to be ordained as priests have consciences too : they are hurt by the slowness of the Church of England 's response and feel bound to follow what they see as a movement of the Holy Spirit in our time .
22 Stalinist And once again the mad axemen from Wapping and elsewhere will be sharpening their stilettos ( knives not heels ) in the hope of finally despatching the manager they see as a soccer Satanist .
23 But the British and American governments are opposed to what they see as a diversion of the bank 's core activities in encouraging private enterprise in eastern Europe .
24 Some of the older men are also alarmed at what they see as a move away from conciliatory enforcement .
25 Developing countries are unhappy about the dominant role envisaged for the Global Environment Facility , run by the World Bank and the UN , which they see as an extension of Western interests .
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