Example sentences of "they have [verb] up a " in BNC.

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1 Researchers could n't be sure radon was such a danger until they 'd built up a complete picture .
2 And er quarter to eight er quarter to nine in the morning , all the commuters are running around half asleep , wish they 'd got up a bit earlier but they did n't .
3 They 've dug up a lot of human bones at my old uncle 's house … ‘
4 Over the last three years they 've built up a steady following , which is hardly surprising , since their stage show is one of the most acclaimed in local music .
5 Whenever the Fedpol think they 've built up a case on one world or another , they find platoons of sharp lawyers appearing , kilocreds are spent , evidence vanishes , witnesses have strange accidents …
6 Through word of mouth and demand from customers , they 've built up a sizable business with five drivers .
7 so he goes oh what the hell and they shovel tea down him and erm he starts throwing up and , what happened is that when he , when he gets like cut down they ta take him back to the room and they put them in their boxer shorts just sitting there and they 've wired up a mouse trap to like their their
8 With no game this weekend the Manor Ground was closed for business … but the directors were working overtime in the boardroom … sorting through thirty applications for the manager 's job … they 've drawn up a shortlist … four men are being interviewed over the next couple of days … who are they … the club are keeping the names a secret … we reckon Chris Nicholl … the former Southampton manager is still in the running … so too is the former Sunderland and Bristol City chief Denis Smith … the fans favourite is Mark Lawrenson who was in charge of United for a short spell before he fell out with Maxwells and the fourth man … is a mystery … could be the dark horse the names of former England keeper Ray Clemence and one time Villa striker Peter Withe have been under discussion … all will be revealed later this week …
9 A government anti- hooligan committee has been sitting with the Football Association ; they 've drawn up a great body of information collated by the police football intelligence unit based in London .
10 She says they 've set up a field hospital with the latest equipment .
11 They 've set up a pyramid hotline where a tip off is passed along the line .
12 They 've set up a fund to buy shares in Morland , to help resist a hostile takeover bid from a rival brewer .
13 They 've cut the Health and Safety Secretary 's budget for this year , they 're looking to privatize many of the H S E's functions , they 've set up a review to identify health and safety legislation that is a so-called burden on employers .
14 Stemming from the poor and insignificant Landais lordship of Labrit , they had built up a large territorial holding along the Atlantic coast of Aquitaine .
15 There had never been any doubt in her mind that she would look after her parents in their old age : they had given up a lot for her , she said , and that was how she could repay them .
16 The couple were taken to police headquarters for questioning where they admitted they had picked up a man on the night of 10 July by the harbour but did not know him and had only given him a lift into town .
17 He and Fonda retired to their trailer , smoked some marijuana and then came out and told the crowd of local youths that they should imagine that the two of them had just arrived in town , and , on the way , they had picked up a local girl of fifteen , and raped and left her in the bushes .
18 And finally two Ayr police officers said that a shelved 1969 report showed they had picked up a man ‘ of slight build and a Glasgow accent who said his name was McGuigan or McGuinness ’ some 600 yards from the Ross bungalow in the early hours of the morning of the murder and dropped him at the bus station ; and they now declared from photographs recently shown to them that the man was William McGuinness .
19 They had put up a sufficiently worthy defence and could yield with honour .
20 They had drawn up a memorandum agreeing to a National Government led by MacDonald ; it would dedicate itself to economies of 70 million , including a cut of ten per cent in the dole .
21 With five ends completed they had opened up a 39-22 lead , and at the halfway mark had all but tied up the title at a convincing 78-37 ahead .
22 For single women especially , who may feel that they have to give up a career , knowing what facilities are available could prove a veritable godsend .
23 This rule , still in existence while Visa and Mastercard fight a rearguard action with the Office of Fair Trading , prevents banks from processing card transactions until they have built up a large base of card-holders .
24 They copy each other 's institutions ; and , to strengthen their common interests , they have built up a series of common institutions — international unions to govern postal , railway and tele-graphic communication , conferences and conventions to regulate affairs both of property ( such as copyright ) and labour ; international law courts ( at the Hague and elsewhere ) supported by a network of Arbitration and other treaties ; a sort of World-Duma , in the periodical Peace Conferences at the Hague ; and last but not least , the growing international organisation of the Labour and Socialist movements .
25 However , the evaluators are not satisfied that they have built up a picture of library use which permits them to be confident in drawing firm conclusions about the project 's success in these terms .
26 We know that people do not drift away from their main sources of financial help , social support and continuing treatment , particularly if they have built up a relationship with someone in the service they trust .
27 What they do find difficult is filling their day once they have actually come off drugs because they have built up a kind of lifestyle that has already been said
28 In that time they have built up a force of one hundred and fifty vehicles and three hundred and forty staff .
29 They have built up a list of people all over the world who have been sending them football songs and now send Beatles covers as well .
30 the teachers are n't allowed to dictate the children , if they want erm to do something or make something they have to make up a plan of what they 're gon na do first
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