Example sentences of "they be given [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Neither had they been given extra hay the night before .
2 Virginia Bottomley , a health minister , said many of the 3,000 people sleeping rough in the city might have stayed at home had they been given enough attention earlier .
3 Then they will baptise those they evangelise in the name of the Father , the Son , and the Holy Spirit ( 28:19 ) , but in the meantime they are given one trial run , if we may so call it , when they are sent out on a missionary journey ( Matt. 10:20 ) .
4 And USPCA director Robin Wilson warned that thousands of sheep are at risk unless they are given immediate shelter .
5 But here they are given real life , with quiet style .
6 They are given certain targets or quotas to fulfil , depending on the kind of institution they work in .
7 They are given appropriate feedback , and they can make mistakes ( and recognise and correct them ) without anyone else knowing .
8 Nevertheless , they are given equal prominence in the New Testament , and should be given equal weight as images of God .
9 For the same reason , male ferrets are introduced to the restriction of trailing a line behind them before they are given major responsibilities .
10 They assume that everything will remain as it was before unless they are given specific notice that some aspect has changed .
11 Although many solicitors offer fixed fee interviews they are given little publicity beyond referral lists and notices in some solicitors ' offices .
12 However , they are given little guidance as to how they should go about undertaking such projects .
13 Wetland plants will be in their element , so long as they are given generous mulches to keep the moisture in .
14 They are given several balloons and the object is to try and hit them over the heads of the team opposite and onto the floor .
15 Supply teachers are more effective and happier when they are given some guidance on routines and expectations .
16 They are given full company training and taught how to market Brewking .
17 They are given brief instructions on moving around the system and there is a guide to page changing next to the set .
18 If they have been just very bad , and if they have someone to stand up for them , they are given three strokes of the whip , usually by Sheldon Parry , the born-again television director , and then made to put on a short green smock for the duration of the service .
19 Even when their specific characteristics are recognized , they are given different interpretations and names .
20 Politicians of the majority party without ministerial office find themselves frustratingly shut out from a decision making process into which they are given few insights .
21 To test the assumption that patients will become unduly anxious if they are given detailed information about the risks of surgery in an attempt to obtain fully informed consent .
22 Rules governing investor protection seek to ensure that the investing public is not subjected to fraudulent or manipulative practices and , moreover , that they are given sound advice by competent professionals .
23 Whether or not they are given delegated powers , sub-committees must have specific terms of reference and clearly defined tasks , so that everyone understands just what the sub-committees are to do and when it is to be done .
24 where a special area in one housing estate has been set aside for problem families , where they are given daily supervision combined with training and instruction designed to teach them the elements of home craft and mothercraft so that in due course , when they have proved they can manage their affairs , domestic , financial or otherwise , they can return to a better house in a more desirable neighbourhood .
25 Instead they are given single rooms which are attached to one of four self contained units Neasham , Hurworth , Croft and Dalton .
26 They 're given thirty grand
27 So there 's a period of six weeks when they 're given some time to settle in and after that period there 's a review date set where myself , the supervisor , the key worker , the client , the client 's social worker in the community and family or anybody close will be invited .
28 And women who are admitted for surgery respond better when they 're given more information .
29 In their orphanges in Russia they 're given just porridge and bread .
30 Just as users should not be given direct access to the LIFESPAN process account , nor should they be given direct access to the account which contains the LIFESPAN RDBI database .
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