Example sentences of "they be at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On Thursday they are at the annual meeting of the British Red Cross , Cleveland County branch , at Cleveland Scientific Institute , Middlesbrough .
2 Media influence on perceptions is likely to depend upon whether they are at the pure perception end of the spectrum or at the margin between perceptions and attitudes .
3 Many institutions of less than 150 , either free standing or in collaboration with others , have offered and will continue to offer a range of courses well matched to the needs of the student population as they are at the present time .
4 Automatic directions under RSC Ord 25 , r8 will apply to claims for provisional damages when they are at the immediate damages stage , unless the plaintiff wants to call more than two medical experts .
5 Mount the fitting either directly to the lugs at each side of the box if they are at the standard 51mm ( 2″ ) centres ; otherwise use screws and wallplugs as before .
6 They may stand outside of high fashion , but in context they are at the leading edge . ’
7 Now they are at the Royal Concert Hall in Nottingham tonight .
8 This is because they are at the same stages in their evolution .
9 Often they are at the same or higher levels .
10 Under the council tax , that hierarchy will be extended to two tenants , who , if they are at the same level in that hierarchy , could become responsible for each other 's council tax jointly and severally .
11 Such measures shall be introduced in such a way that … they are at the same time conducive to price stability , a high level of employment and foreign trade equilibrium , and thus steady and adequate economic growth .
12 ‘ We 're pleased about the reed warblers : they 're at the north-westerly edge of their breeding range here , ’ he went on .
13 that Mary er Mary 's da , one of Mary 's daughters and one of Christine 's daughters , they 're at the same college or something , they 're big friends !
14 Squatters have long felt they 're at the receiving end of a bad press and have have welcomed tonight 's opportunity to express their side of the story .
15 Although they were at the agricultural policies undoubtedly continue to be relevant , still have a significant part to play in many current situations .
16 Now they were at the elegant pavement café beside the library .
17 They were at the Labour Party conference together last year and that 's when it began .
18 They were at the sharp end of an operation conceived at the Oxford based company Unipart .
19 At Penywaun , years later , he told me about John Evans and his sister as they were at the first two decades of this century : I sensed as a boy they were unusual but now I recognized how different they were .
20 There was a master over-ride switch outside each of the stages , allowing them to pass swiftly through until they were at the deepest level .
21 They were at the deep end of the pool and both trod water to keep afloat .
22 They were at the highest point for twenty li about .
23 Of course , they were at the opposite ends of the price range .
24 Because Dannii was famous and they were at the same school , Kylie wanted to make a name for herself .
25 She looked from one to the other to make sure they were at the same height .
26 They were at the same impasse .
27 In ritual status they were at the very top of the system and ranked higher even than the kings .
28 As Sawyer and Darton wrote so tellingly in English Books : ‘ The Running Stationers , as they were at the last called , bore a light but precious fardel : just the Short History of the English People — no more . ‘
29 We have some wry wry smiles from some of the older people er in the group here because they er did n't get much when they were at the formative stages of their careers .
30 They were at the High Council under the guidance of Cod .
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