Example sentences of "they do n't [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But they would n't they do n't come down normally to ?
2 Could n't really , stand out , yes , they did n't stand out as much exhibits as they would with another occasion something else .
3 At least they did n't stand there looking stupid : at least they had the decency to look shocked and horrified .
4 They did n't stand there any longer .
5 Even when their vet warned them that Lizzie was getting on , they did n't realise just how much she had aged .
6 But they did n't realise how racist they were being to me .
7 Being the casual criminals they were , they did n't persist long in the chase .
8 They did n't arrive home until late in the evening .
9 There was little recognition of the fact that Labour lost not because they changed but because they did n't change enough .
10 They did n't go round like that they were very loners as you would say .
11 And on the whole they did n't go around poisoning roast geese .
12 But at least they did n't go around with beatific smiles mumbling about peace and goodwill . ’
13 A physiotherapist recalled : ‘ They were n't obstructive , but they did n't go out of their way to be helpful either . ’
14 Er they they did n't go out with the cart , just with a regular who used to go out with the with the horses and carts .
15 So they did n't go out for exercise ?
16 They did n't go out cos I said he could .
17 Our John and Molly they did n't go so that were eight .
18 He also made sure they did n't go anywhere near Evelyn or Rose whom he took to be troublemakers .
19 Erm , then the erm , the insistence of the driver 's conductors was they did n't like the long periods of duty they erm , they wanted the new set up so I introduced what we call straight duties , narrowed the relief portion , so they did n't go home for a meal , they had about a half an hour off , so they were able to get their eight hour duty done in a shorter period and they 'd probably finish about two instead of half past three , four o'clock .
20 er , but they did n't go in for food like er you 're talking about
21 I think it still is the way forward and I do n't think it was so much that things went wrong as that they did n't go as well as we had hoped for the women elections to the shadow cabinet .
22 No , they did n't go back in the end .
23 If they did n't bring back the amount of money he 'd told them to , he beat them with a baseball bat . ’
24 They found that for married men who were household heads under age 45 , the proportions ‘ out of work ’ ( a wider concept than we used which included those who had given up looking for work because they did n't think any was available ) was about nine times as high in the local authority as in the occupied sector .
25 they did n't think too much of the weather like this .
26 At first they did n't think twice about the 132,000 volt power lines above them ; in fact they used to live next door , but one , with a pylon next to their garden fence .
27 They did n't think so , ’ said nurse .
28 But from when she had been sixteen and had left the Dame School and stepped right into the home life above the shop , it had been borne into her that marriage was a humdrum affair : two people lived together , apparently happy , yet went their own ways , as shown by her parents ; they did n't think alike , yet they did n't argue ; they never laughed at the same things , nor did local or national events affect them in the same way .
29 Mr Evan 's rages were noisy while they lasted but they did n't last long .
30 They did n't last long .
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