Example sentences of "they [adv] had [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They only had to drop a wizened bean over their shoulders for a plant to spurt from the ground and rain pods at them .
2 ‘ The told me that they alone had cracked the system ; they said only they could fix up proper contracts with local authorities on behalf of their clients .
3 So many of that team got well over 10 years service that they just had to join the queue .
4 They soon had to leave the School Cottage where they had lived , but they were granted a payment of £5 for " the bath and fittings " left in the cottage , which was quickly rented out to provide a valuable £35 a year of extra income .
5 They still had to grasp the facts but they were also prompted to explain them : Why revolt ?
6 Members were discouraged from bringing along a personal caddie and if they did they still had to pay the caddie master the fee he would have received , irrespective of whether there was a caddie available or not !
7 Culturally , the Palestinian Jews had to face the increasing differentiation of the diaspora , both in Mesopotamia and in Egypt ; they also had to run a state efficiently within a Hellenistic — milieu .
8 They also had to survive the effect of a highly corrosive atmosphere at red heat and a hundred times the atmospheric pressure on Earth , and of course they had to be transparent to infrared radiation .
9 At the Lido they practically had to close the place .
10 Following from Richard and Jenny erm , they both had to attend a meeting in Dublin but it 's with absolutely no other alternative .
11 The Judge told the pair that having chosen to become involved in the evil activities of the IRA they now had to pay the price of their folly while those who had sent them out remained at large .
12 Parents knew what was wrong , but were powerless to act , because they had no effective choice of schools or of curriculum ; they simply had to suffer the advice of ‘ experts ’ and the diktats of local officials .
13 They then had to hitch a lift back to the cars .
14 With both Leith and Sebastian in agreement about the flat , they then had to face the fact that although the inheritance from their grandfather was considerable it was nowhere near enough to buy the flat outright .
15 They either had to abandon a very important marketing campaign and also write off God knows how many millions of pounds already spent on it and on guarantees to their lesbian lovelies , or let Mary-Ann Curtis and Larry Marsh go .
16 In Birmingham , corner boys and street gangs were known as ‘ Peaky Blinders ’ , or less commonly as ‘ Sloggers ’ , and they too had adopted the standard uniform of bell-bottom trousers , neck scarf , heavy belt , peaked cap and short cropped hair with a ‘ donkey fringe ’ .
17 It amused him for a moment to speculate about the others , if they too had seen the paragraph and whether they had been astonished and afraid .
18 On their tiny battery portable they too had seen the transatlantic moppet .
19 He was reminded of his childhood and of his father 's farm ; they too had kept a couple of goats .
20 But the Germans really had little to boast about ; they too had made a major blunder early on by concentrating on the construction of Zeppelins , and their maintenance of technical superiority during most of the war was almost entirely thanks to the brilliance of a twenty-five-year-old Dutchman , Tony Fokker .
21 Six thousand miles away , Jill and Peter felt they too had made an investment of their time and the company 's money and pleaded with Bernard for a little longer to educate the American customer .
22 They too had imbibed the market culture , it seemed .
23 I myself did not know anything about this and having checked with Gillyan Ford and all Publicity Assistants , found that they too had had no previous indication of the requirement to scan adverts .
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