Example sentences of "they [adv] [vb past] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , they rarely threatened to win the match , though Dave Kirkwood — one of four former Hearts players in the Airdrie ranks — missed the most clear-cut chance of the game in the closing minutes .
2 The Palestinians were thus caught in a moral circle , although they rarely cared to debate the morality of what they were doing to the Lebanese : if they failed to fight the Israelis , then they sacrificed their right of return to Palestine ; yet if they did attack the Israelis , they created a new class of refugees among the Lebanese , mostly from the poor Shia community in southern Lebanon .
3 While negotiations for the lease of the building went on , members of the Society engaged on various fundraising schemes , and they slowly began to clear the shed , restore services , and start to lay track .
4 They only served to emphasise the power and toughness which was the man beneath the civilised veneer , and Fran shivered , wishing she had never started this by letting her emotions come to the surface .
5 They only had to drop a wizened bean over their shoulders for a plant to spurt from the ground and rain pods at them .
6 Their solicitor told the court they only wanted to frighten the saboteur and they were sorry he 'd been injured .
7 Yet they obviously failed to grasp the political and administrative realities within which state medicine was increasingly caught in the 1870s and 1880s .
8 They obviously enjoyed playing a game with each other .
9 ‘ The told me that they alone had cracked the system ; they said only they could fix up proper contracts with local authorities on behalf of their clients .
10 The trio , who were linked on security force computers to 32 murders , were killed as they apparently tried to murder a retired UDR man on a remote Co Tyrone road .
11 Spurs play their possesion futba which looks good but is not at all dangerous — when they had chances for breaks they just kept passing the ball instead of going for the fast break .
12 However , in second-half Wanderers raised their game and at the end of the day they just failed to get a point .
13 And so with the help of these , they just managed to do a bit of slate , but if them had not gone back , I thinks this this strike would have turned the other way .
14 So many of that team got well over 10 years service that they just had to join the queue .
15 Our old mates THE ORB popped round to Vibes central control the other day for tea and spacecakes and a quick intergalactic natter , and somehow they just happened to leave a whole box of ORB window stickers in the VIBES record cupboard — and would you believe it just as they were about to leave we could n't find the key ?
16 I 'd like to think it was my body they were after , but I suspect they just wanted to destroy the shirt .
17 The British government did n't seem to have a coherent policy for dealing with the hostage situation , they just wanted to teach the kidnappers a lesson .
18 Most of the East Germans surging across said they just wanted to have a look at West Berlin , have a beer in a bar , or see a friend .
19 They just stood watching a fireworks display across the bridge at the Expo .
20 They have sullied the good name of their country ; they desperately wanted to make an impression on Europe and they have — in the most unexpected way .
21 They somehow managed to persuade the owners , apparently it was and it was and nobody else had ever been allowed in this place not even erm historians who write about famous buildings , even they had been refused access !
22 After recently ditching their long-time manager ANTHONY BOGGIANO , they somehow managed to attract the attention of self-styled svengali SIMON NAPIER-BELL ( better known for managing MARC BOLAN and WHAM ! among others ) .
23 It is curious that despite frequent allusion to man-environment relations by geographers , they largely chose to ignore the signposts that were evident from the mid nineteenth century onwards and physical geography proceeded largely in isolation from the hand of man .
24 They soon had to leave the School Cottage where they had lived , but they were granted a payment of £5 for " the bath and fittings " left in the cottage , which was quickly rented out to provide a valuable £35 a year of extra income .
25 The children could not keep away from the railway , and they soon got to know the trains that passed by .
26 The proprietors of Elmfield House , Jim and Edith Lillie , were initially a little apprehensive about opening their much restored and much-cared for home to the public — but they soon came to appreciate the friendship and interest given to them by their visitors from all over the world .
27 They still had to grasp the facts but they were also prompted to explain them : Why revolt ?
28 Members were discouraged from bringing along a personal caddie and if they did they still had to pay the caddie master the fee he would have received , irrespective of whether there was a caddie available or not !
29 Nonetheless , leading Sussex Catholics , including John Gage of Firle and Richard Shelley of Warninghurst were imprisoned in 1580 for recusancy ; they still continued to pay the heavy taxes and fines demanded of them .
30 Despite Boeing 's considerable investment of $10 million dollars to purchase 10 000 ( 417 days ) worth of wind tunnel time in the 1960s , they still failed to develop the optimal design , as subsequent improvements and refinements to the B747 are testimony .
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