Example sentences of "they [was/were] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This can be seen from the figures in Table 5 which also suggest that the longer the time they had lived in an old people 's home the less likely they were to go into hospital .
2 They were to go on trial on January 5 charged with lying to Congress about the controversy .
3 As one who joined the Leader of the Opposition in voting against the Single European Act , before the right hon. Gentleman became a Euro-fanatic , may I appeal to my right hon. Friend to warn the voters about the huge dangers to the much-improved labour relations of Britain if they were to vote into power any Government who were prepared to pass over the power to wreck our trade union reforms by majority vote in Brussels ?
4 They were told by Jesus not to speculate about the time when God would bring in the kingdom in all its fullness , but , once they had received the Holy Spirit , they were to witness to Jesus in Jerusalem , Judaea , Samaria , and throughout the world ( Acts 1:8 ) .
5 They were to act as trainers for bomber gunners and were armoured accordingly for these manned targets were to be shot at — with frangible bullets !
6 At 2250 hrs that evening Eighth Army confirmed in a signal to 5 Corps that they were to act in accordance with AFHQ 's ruling that they could hand over all the anti-Tito Yugoslavs so long as this did not involve use of force .
7 Freud 's interest in Moses is , at root , an attempt to understand the Jews and the fate they were to undergo in Europe .
8 The new intention was for an escort of 35 to 40 ships of the line , assembled from Toulon and Brest , to sail first to Brittany , to convoy the 20,000 men assembled there to somewhere near Glasgow , from where they were to march on Edinburgh .
9 If they were to live in peace it was necessary , he said , that the Indians should have a country set apart for them and in that country they must stay .
10 Sadly they were to part with Angie attempting suicide and David snatching their son Zowie back from Angie while she was away from home in Switzerland .
11 ( They were to remain in use for that purpose until the reception of casuals was finally discontinued on November 7th 1949 , when their presence was represented as a deterrent to the recruitment of nurses and a hindrance to the upgrading of what had become the North Wing of Bedford General Hospital .
12 They rarely performed as individuals ; from now on they were to remain in line , arms linked behind each other .
13 His sympathies lay with the independents such as Henderson and Nixon ( who at one point in the 1930s constituted , in the absence of the nationalists , the official opposition at Stormont ) , but the Unionists had not yet shown the degree of liberalism they were to show under O'Neill in the 1960s and Paisley confined himself to promoting various ‘ ginger group ’ enterprises on the margins of politics .
14 The Whigs had recovered somewhat by 1705 , giving the Tories a good run for their money , and they actually won the Election in 1708 , although this was to be the only General Election they were to win under Anne .
15 They were to be wandering years , but they were to end in triumph .
16 At Kabrit in the meantime the L Detachment men were busily making ready for the departure back to Jalo , from where they were to head for Bouerat .
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