Example sentences of "they [was/were] [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Gerry Kerr who steered the Glenavy side to a mid-table position in Division I A of the Amateur League after they were relegated the previous season , has been told his services are no longer required .
2 Accordingly , they were asked the direct question : " Would you describe this as science fiction ? "
3 I knew all about them when they were called the Savage Sausages and they used to play the Powerhaus singing ‘ Louie Louie ’ through a 20 watt PA …
4 They were named the best Scout and Guide band and took the main award for the best band overall .
5 Cayley attracted his friend Sylvester into studying invariants ( the term " invariant " is due to Sylvester ) and these two did so much research on the subject that they were named the Invariant Twins .
6 The TA bring up the rear , dressed in their lightweight trousers , boots and shirts ; many a member of staff and Regular recruit wishes that they were dressed the same , as the sun is high in the sky and their No 2 dress is somewhat warm .
7 It was only when Cairo confirmed their names and service numbers that they were given the honoured status of the first Eighth Army troops to meet up with the First Army .
8 The two families , who have had no contact and do not plan to meet , face a week of agony before knowing if they were given the right child .
9 The church had important links with the butchers of Prague and they were given the first chapel on the left at the W end in honour of their defence of Prague , once in 1611 against the troops from Passau , and again in 1648 , against the Swedes .
10 As Table 55c of Appendix I shows , although differences between groups were very small , it was often women more than men , older people more than younger people , and those with lower rather than higher educational levels who most often changed to a different choice after they were given the extra information about APR and/ or total credit cost .
11 They were given the big round table near the piano .
12 But they were given the wrong tape machine .
13 They should have been , as they were given the same rations as a British farm labourer .
14 That may be of course because they were denied the Liberal Democrats panacea for everything namely erm proportional representation .
15 Taught to believe that sex was shameful , they were denied the spiritual experience of sex passion which involved the transfiguration of the lower by the higher elements .
16 This is a kind of degradation which indicates that when they were formed the Mercurian surface may have been warm enough for it to be slightly plastic .
17 They were nicknamed the Urban Gorillas , producing witty , hard-hitting features on subjects like the Playboy Bunny Mansion .
18 But by the time that they were completed the largest space of all was the nave , which might serve various purposes — as a shelter for great processions , as a substantial public hall and meeting place ; but above all provided space for visitors and lay worshippers .
19 They were divorced the following year .
20 Olive Saunderson and Norman Field met and fell in love in predictably romantic circumstances when the Fields and the Saundersons were guests on board Lord Vestey 's yacht on a cruise to Norway in 1909 They were married the same year in Dublin and returned to England to set up home .
21 In retrospect , it now seems odd that they were considered the ultimate heavy metal band .
22 In retrospect , it now seems odd that they were considered the ultimate heavy metal band .
23 After all , they were paid the same sum whether Nigel arrived by Rolls Royce or dustcart .
24 The applicants were not consulted but they were told the minimum period of imprisonment they would have to serve before their cases would be reviewed .
25 They were released the following day when a crowd of 4000 people gathered outside the police station .
26 No-one was hurt and they were found the following day , after a search by RAF aircraft , Crocombe and the other seven passengers were rescued by an RAF Vickers Valencia transport .
27 Taking two , freshly caught Highland sea-trout , he placed them on the mud flats below the bridge , where they were found the next morning .
28 The more they were squeezed the more chrome was exuded , as if from a tube , at each end .
29 Though they missed the opportunity for a rapid spurt in growth in the 1970s , they were spared the social and political strains of vulnerability to the subsequent cut-off in bank credit .
30 And when they attempted to claim them , they were offered the ultimate solution — the street .
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