Example sentences of "they [was/were] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 They were to the 1980s what F Scott Fitzgerald was to the roaring twenties .
2 Institutional investors have shown themselves , as in the Airtours-Owners battle to be less welcoming and more sceptical of bids than they were in the '80s .
3 Mr Lawson is right to say that deficits are more sustainable than they were in the 1970s .
4 In the 1980s , the personnel departments of many organisations are a lot slimmer than they were in the 1970s .
5 Indeed the majority of the section numbers are the same as they were in the 1893 Act .
6 Sherman believes that , as a result of these changes , police are more likely to talk their way out of a potentially disorderly situation than they were in the 1960s ( ibid.:231 ) .
7 But that should not stop us from recognising that things are very much better in the '90s than they were in the '70s .
8 In other words , pre-school attendance and university education are as unequally distributed today , as they were in the 1940s .
9 The curious thing is that though the facts are the same as they were in the Fifties and the risks are higher , the level of anxiety about them has markedly fallen .
10 They 're the same now as they were in the fifties when making presentations and that 's about the skills you need when you stand up to speak and the skills you need in the preparation phase so the two towers of presentation skills are about the preparation and the presentation itself .
11 Consequently , LEAs earmarking certain discretionary items in this way would still have to count them in calculating that they were within the 10 per cent limit .
12 Black labradors draped over chairs looked as ‘ buggered ’ as one of the ladies said they were after the four hour walk in the wake of their shooting husbands that morning .
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