Example sentences of "they [was/were] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Revealingly , its opening section was devoted to foreign affairs ; in all three Thatcher manifestos , including the one in 1983 following the Falklands war , they were relegated to the back , and domestic policy took pride of place .
2 Their chances of success were far less where they were relegated to the position of enactor or mere facilitator , as some were .
3 Woodfall , the company set up by Tony Richardson and John Osborne to exploit the profits from Look Back in Anger , with the aim of proving ‘ that good films , ones that showed British life as it really is , could be made cheaply ’ , nevertheless had no particular strategy for trying to bring down the budgets of films from the £100,000 or so they were costing to the £30,000 level that , for example , French filmmakers worked to .
4 So both boys went to the state school in spite of Father Michael at St Oswald 's , but it was a hollow victory because twice a week , once after school , once on Saturdays , they were sent to the Convent to learn catechism off the nuns so they would grow up good Catholics after all .
5 Then they were sent to the camp at Drancy , and from there they were put on trains and sent to Auschwitz to be gassed .
6 And any any reso what I call resolutions that were passed they were sent to the proper departments of government .
7 The beams were linked at intervals by uprights and tie beams ; they were fixed to the walls and probably to each other by means of wooden pegs .
8 In effect , they were tending to the view that the very change in law brings about a change in the nature of society and human relationships within it .
9 Last week , Jarman had n't quite decided whether they were to talk to the audience or simply sleep through the exhibition 's four-day run — ‘ although they 'll be allowed to get up for a pee and lunch , ’ he added generously .
10 They followed as far as possible in the time available , the practices and procedures of the permanent parliamentary boundary commission , indeed of the six members of the committees , five were members of the parliamentary boundary commissions and they were appointed to the committees after consultation with the opposition parties .
11 Court dress was the particular form of costume worn by ladies when they were presented to the monarch .
12 At filling stations they were banished to the far-flung corners of the forecourt , away from the well-lit protection of covered petrol pumps , to battle 32-tonners for a turn at the diesel pump .
13 The two countries would be fighting each other , on and off , for 22 years ; and there were those , like Benjamin Titford , born in 1786 , who lived through nothing but wars and rumours of wars from the day they were born to the day they died .
14 It also shows that , when Russian enterprises reacted to the reforms by jacking up prices and withholding output , they were not doing so because they could not adapt to the bewildering change around them ; they were reacting to the incentives they faced , which said that goods were stores of value while money was not .
15 They were looking to the old Roman virtues for the explanation of Roman success , but the Romans had acquired power by divesting themselves of their old Roman habits .
16 It was the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Medau College in Berlin in 1929 but not much was made of this , Dr Jochen Medau explained that they were looking to the future rather than the past .
17 Hampshire Police confirmed yesterday that they were called to the scene of a fight outside the Captain 's Corner nightspot in Southampton around midnight .
18 In the latest they were called to the home of a man in his early 20s in Frenchgate , Richmond , but found they needed more equipment so took him back to the Richmond Fire Station and released the cuffs with a hacksaw and vice .
19 Before they reached the great stone shaped like the skull of a horse which marked the path they were to take to the right , the fires were all out and the smoke from them had dispersed into the general heat-haze .
20 Now , in the Middle Minoan , they were geared to the production of surpluses .
21 They were referred to the clinic by their doctors in Greece or the Middle East , and looked horrified when I said there was no lift and they had to walk down seventeen stairs to the basement .
22 The Habsburgs , the Wittelsbachs , the Royal Houses of Baden and Württemberg , even the Romanovs , all had direct or tenuous connections with the Bonapartes , while through the descendants of Eugène de Beauharnais they were related to the Royal Houses of Sweden and Portugal as well as to the Emperor of Brazil .
23 They were related to the Agnelli family and he was impressed by the connection with such wealth and power .
24 Joanne began to focus on what she could see as the positive aspects of the new approach , and while she did not specifically identify them as such , they were related to the process objectives within the scheme of work .
25 I asked exactly how they were related to the Great Moguls .
26 He refused to answer questions , however , on the grounds that they were related to the criminal charges upon which he was currently facing trial .
27 To find out if gastrointestinal symptoms ( and signs when present ) can accurately predict the need for specific investigations they were related to the endoscopic and colonic findings .
28 At the head of the left transept is a very early Christian sarcophagus which held the remains of San Celso until , in 1935 , they were transferred to the Crucifixion chapel .
29 The aircraft was requested by coastguards after they were alerted to the drama off the coast of the Isle of Man .
30 Indeed , none of these statements , apart from two short but damning extracts from Zaidie 's statement which the prosecution put into evidence , came to light at all ( and consequently were not available to the Court of Appeal ) until 20 July 1990 , three days before the presentation of the petition for special leave to appeal , when they were furnished to the defendant 's advisers at the insistence of Mr. Guthrie who had by then been instructed on behalf of the Crown .
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