Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think they must in the van .
2 There will always be homes , local authority as well as private sector , which do not always behave as well as they should within the rules .
3 Well you said or else they 'll in the league this season .
4 Grumble as they might about the Masai 's unbudging attachment to their traditional ways , many administrators , particularly in the later years , came to see that it had its advantages .
5 Captains had therefore to use their own resources to pay their men and bargain as best they could with the Exchequer ; but there is little evidence that delays in payment became a political issue .
6 Was it fear of not being able to perform as well at this new skill as they could with the composing-stick ?
7 Addressed to the archbishop and all the prelates assembled at Lambeth , it commanded them , on their oaths of fealty , to do all that they could for the defence and conservation of the king 's rights and of his realm ; it then continued :
8 And of course everyone knew all about it , just as they knew that the Mackays , poor souls , had done everything they could for the boy ever since they took him in for adoption . ’
9 Many severely handicapped children do die at an early age through natural causes , but at least the parents can feel that they did everything they could for the child when it was alive .
10 The brindle hounds , John Deverill 's speciality and obsession , stood well to order at one side of the drive with the whippers-in waiting as patiently as they could for the order to move off .
11 Within the material constraints of the situation they did what they could for the kids .
12 Whatever the reasons and after some soul searching they sold their home and entered college in 1921 , making the best arrangements they could for the children .
13 They kept as close as they could to the east bank of the stream and held generally towards the north .
14 The large numbers of the English gentry and aristocracy who enjoyed the profits from impropriated tithes were further alarmed when the Laudian ecclesiastical authorities made it clear they would spare no pains in an attempt to recover as much as they could of the church 's former wealth and power .
15 Coun Taylor said the council would be going into details about the new budget today and early next week to make the best they could of the situation .
16 It was by then too late to make for the safety of the mountains , and the scattered groups of jeeps had to hide as best they could at the foot of the escarpment .
17 They were rowing as fast as they could towards the ship !
18 When in 1952 Michael Ventris announced he had succeeded in deciphering Linear B and that it was an archaic form of Greek , howls of indignant refutation were raised by the fraternity of linguistic experts as a matter of course , and when , with that beautiful sense of timing which nemesis has , a whole library of Linear B tablets was unearthed in Pylos on the Greek mainland one year later , translations of which confirmed Ventris 's conclusion , the experts did the only thing they could under the circumstances : they accused the discoverer and Ventris of having forged them .
19 The advancing British — if advance they could through the craters and mud — would , therefore , come under remorseless , raking fire .
20 Using highly mobile soldiers to avoid battle , Bruce used the physical geography of Scotland to make conditions as difficult as he could for the English who , risking starvation and ambush , had to be very careful not to overstretch themselves and to keep open their lines of communication as best they could through the control of castles , in particular the vital one at Stirling , which dominated the lowest point at which the river Forth could be crossed by bridge .
21 Left to themselves , folk musicians did what they could without the guidance which might have come from experienced musicians .
22 Clifford and another constable who was in the car got down to the foreshore as quickly as they could on the offchance that the man was alive and needed help , but they soon saw that he was n't .
23 Around the table or squatting on whatever box they could along the burrow walls , the others reacted in their different fashions .
24 And er and then people took great interest in making as bonny as they could in the top , to make a fancy top what they called erm c corn dollies .
25 The snag today is that those black sheep will create much bigger problems than they could in the past .
26 Once they had been admitted , every volunteer behaved within the mental hospital as normally as they could in the circumstances , and said no more about hearing voices .
27 ‘ They did the best they could in the circumstances .
28 What it is about , members of the jury , is a very professional police force doing the best they could in the circumstances .
29 I saw enough of ex-Millfield boy David Hemp , in that extraordinary finish at Southampton when the teams played as long as they could in the twilight and Glamorgan were agonisingly close to victory , to believe he has a genuine future as a county player .
30 Either because those in power simply underestimated the potential for resistance or simply because they believed they could in the end over-ride such resistance , industrial companies in conjunction with waste disposal firms ( and often in collusion with state health regulatory agencies ) dumped indiscriminately and with disregard for human health and life . ’
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