Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [adv] know [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The agency probably has not discussed the commercial with a production company , though they may well know which company they would like to use , and have a reasonable idea of the likely cost .
2 They may not know what he 's done .
3 First-time parents may not know how to tell stories or share pictures ; they may not know what books are available or how they should be used ; and they may not realize how important and how enjoyable books and pictures ( and talking about them ) can be .
4 They may not know what is in these documents ; even those who do may not understand the implications of the proposals .
5 They must either know what they 're doing , or they must be crazy . ’
6 With these qualities they well be fully prepared for the big trial , but they must also know themselves in the deepest sense — ‘ to be in touch ’ , as Scott frequently mentions , ‘ with that critical inner voice . ’
7 They must not know what can be used against anyone , for it might be us . ’
8 she said they 'll not know you 're doing it , I swear
9 And I says oh God no I could n't sit between , she says I swear they 'll not know you 're doing it .
10 With luck they 'll never know what happened to him .
11 There 's many a ginger-haired bairn in the villages round about who 've lost their father this day ; though they 'll never know it , of course . ’
12 They might not know him by sight , or might not be looking for him at all .
13 They might not know what they want to do ; they might only feel they have a lot of problems .
14 even if people do read these contracts , or these warranties , or these extended service contracts , they might not know what they 're buying even if it 's read to them , because it 's in a particular kind of jargon .
15 What 's new is that the old defence , that a director did not ‘ knowingly or willingly ’ allow something to happen has been eroded and , Bell said , ‘ directors will have to show specifically and beyond a shadow of doubt they could not know what was happening or that they had minuted their protest ’ .
16 Up home they 'd soon know what to call you if you started going on like that .
17 There would be abut 20 people in and they would not know what was going on , ’ says Solowka .
18 If Annie or Jean could see you now , says one Kate to the other , they would n't know you .
19 So if if nobody was looking for it or if they were n't used to the machines , examining the machines , they would n't know it was there .
20 The precaution probably was n't necessary , but on the off-chance that more thugs from INCUBUS came sniffing round , they would n't know he was in the area .
21 Everything looks so high from here , and I 'm all squashed and thin like I 'm paper and people can walk over me and it would n't hurt and they would n't know I was there .
22 First , I knew that they were on Uulaa — but they would n't know I was .
23 they would never know they were alive , oh well .
24 They shall never know what .
25 We 'll make the poor Weavers work at a low rate ; We 'll find fault where there 's no fault , and so we will bate ; If trading goes dead , we will presently show it ; But if it grows bad , they shall never know it ; We 'll tell them that cloth beyond sea will not go , We care not whether we keep clothing or no .
26 They will not know what they are going to do , and will probably end up doing nothing .
27 that form before and they will not know what to put on it or what they
28 The pity is that they are missing so much ; for instance , they will never know what it is like to fish a small stream , or any river except perhaps a sluggish canal-like one .
29 No one can please all the people around them , partly because they will never know what is expected of them .
30 that 's right , and I thought well while the the pile 's there they wo n't know whose they are I 'll just .
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