Example sentences of "they [vb base] out in the " in BNC.

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1 This type of alteration is called saussuritisation , and other similar types of hydrothermal alteration can be recognised in the other igneous rocks of the igneous complex of south Harris where they crop out in the thrust zone .
2 They live on hares and badgers they catch out in the pampas . ’
3 At the end of it when the whole vocal had been recorded , David said to this guy , ‘ Just out of interest , is this my original lyric ’ The guy said , ‘ Oh no , it 's a beautiful ballad about a boy and girl and they go out in the mist on the mountain ’ .
4 Use these every time they go out in the sun and you 'll help reduce the risk of serious skin damage later in life .
5 He 's probably only in the mood cos he 's probably upsetting them on his night out cos they go out in the evenings .
6 Until she decides to have another ripping I 'll be glad next year when they go out in the garden again , do you know what I mean ?
7 can see them and they 're much , they look a happier than they do out in the cold .
8 And things have gone on since then and the band still plays , er they have not the easiest task of finding people , because of change and so on , but er their families and friends and , and even some of the youngsters that learn at school that , a fireman 's friends and relatives have joined the band and they play out in the parks and they , and they play in the spar pavilion and they , they provide concerts for people , and Christmas times they play in the town .
9 It 's extremely doubtful that they will have been stored in ideal conditions , and even if they have , the ideal conditions of the timber yard do not correspond to those of your own home — there 's bound to be some shrinkage as they dry out in the higher temperatures .
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