Example sentences of "they [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They lay side by side like effigies , both staring at the sky .
2 Exhausted they lay side by side watching the flames dance on the ceiling .
3 Now , re-aroused , he curled his body to hers and slid into her lazily , as they lay side by side .
4 They lay side by side , doing their relaxation exercises — deep breathing and total muscular relaxation from the feet up .
5 Their bodies were covered in a mist of moisture as they lay side by side .
6 They beth splutter with anger and burst into silly giggles , wrestling .
7 They bring respectability to industry in the eyes of young people and allow them to see that work can be rewarding , interesting and challenging .
8 But also , it is not exactly that they bring sexuality to politics ( it was always already there ) ; rather deviant desire brings with it a different kind of political knowledge , and hence inflects both desire and politics differently .
9 They raise money for village development projects , clean public buildings and help with the catering for conferences and state functions .
10 Like fishermen and others who work in cold conditions , they develop tolerance to cold in hands and faces , possibly a function of enhanced blood circulation in exposed areas of the body .
11 I 'm afraid they do , but because they perceive television as entertainment , it goes right over their heads .
12 These technologies could be said to be neo-Fordist — that is they make use of information technologies but within a framework determined in the Fordist era .
13 Thus , for Piaget , concepts derive from operational schemata : ‘ logico-mathematical structures are extracted from the general conditions of actions long before they make use of language , either natural or artificial ’ — for example , a mother 's non-verbal interactions with her baby ( see Chapters 9 and 10 ) .
14 The first part of the Book of Daniel ( approximately chapters 1–6 ) and the Books of Esther and Judith are more likely to belong to the third than to the second century B.C. They combine edification with entertainment .
15 In doing so , they replace debate with assertion , and pull an essay away from patterns of reasoned argument .
16 Or they might decide they want to learn how to read , that they want information about birth control , or advice about getting rid of a caique ( local boss ) .
17 They want continuity of policy , not capricious or arbitrary decisions .
18 The Government regularly claim that they want value for money .
19 Sometimes they appear hand in hand ; pair-trawling
20 Once built they will last forever , the materials for repairs are always on site , and they provide shelter from wind and weather .
21 Important characteristics of expert systems are that they provide advice in problem-solving based on the knowledge of experts , facilitate learning through experience and allow the use of natural language processing .
22 Why is it — perhaps you can enlighten me — why is it , for example , they roast topside of beef in the first place and in the second cook it to the consistency of baked cow-pat ? ’
23 They monopolise access to public positions , they hold competition in check , they allow their expenses to be more than comfortably met from tax revenue and whenever things Set tough they form an excessively large coalition , not against any parliamentary minority but instead against the majority of non-organised voters …
24 The demarcation should allow the Yanomami to preserve their territory , which covers an area greater than Scotland , against encroachment by developers , provided they receive support from government agencies to keep out gangs of gold-miners and loggers in this frequently lawless region .
25 On the one hand , the Church and other religious organisations uphold the traditional principle that Sunday should be kept as a day apart , for religious observance and for rest ; they receive support from trade unions and others who fear that those who work in shops may , if Sunday trading is permitted , find themselves under pressure to work on Sunday against their will .
26 Although they receive notification from education of the intention to assess a child , they are uncertain of their role , and so , with other pressing priorities , they tend not to give it high priority .
27 Generation upon unnamed generations of writers have revelled in this fact : they put pen to paper , do the literary equivalent of the ‘ Wham Rap ’ , and get endlessly celebrated by the media .
28 Cranfield came more into the game as they put pressure on City 's defence .
29 And they put ale like home-brew ale on their porridge .
30 So what they did eventually , they put sort of call boxes occasionally , in different parts of the borough so during the night you could ring up the station .
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