Example sentences of "they [vb base] [prep] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And again coming forward in numbers and they look at on the edge of the area and he is duly fouled by and it 's a free kick in a dangerous position .
2 Karen Mayo-Chandler 's allegations made lascivious reading : ‘ When girls are asked what they look for in a man , they always talk about sensitive things , like intellect , kindness and a sense of humour .
3 You know when you put those boots on and the string rather because they they are what they they look like with the they 're called boots .
4 Braden-Harder and Zadrozny [ 1989 ] have identified what they refer to as a ’ wish-list ’ for MRD organisation ; in terms of enhancements to existing information and additional information :
5 In the first place it is associated , as I have noted , with a general movement towards greater equality , and is contested by those social theorists of the New Right ( King , 1987 ) who , in recent years , have criticized what they refer to as a ‘ dependency culture ’ , and have urged instead the creation or restoration of an ‘ enterprise culture ’ of a more individualistic kind , in which the role of the state and other public authorities in providing welfare services would be radically diminished .
6 But there are what they refer to as the ‘ problem families ’ .
7 They believe that there is an ‘ intermediate strata ’ sandwiched between what they refer to as the working and service classes .
8 I 'm sure Father Chris would be pleased to hear that and would be very flattered to hear that as well but erm he 's erm I 'm sure he does try to live by those rules because er obviously that 's one of the bases of his life but erm I was thinking more in terms of somebody who stood up for themse stood up for what they believe in in a situation where it was difficult .
9 And a fifth of businesses with turnover of up to £1m said they had no firm of lawyers with whom they deal with on a regular basis at all .
10 To the extent that language learners , by definition , are deficient in competence they can not authenticate the language they deal with in the manner of the native speaker .
11 There they stay for about a fortnight until they have completed their first moult and can fend for themselves .
12 As so often , it is the monstrous ones that stick in the mind : two gross , splayed pairs of legs about to join the rest of the body they belong to in the maw of two amiable-looking man-eaters ( reminiscent of Oloron ) ; two horribly bent captives , their feet tied by a cord and their heads looking as if they are propped upright on sticks — strange motifs , yet motifs all the same , because they are not unique to Lescar .
13 Well you want to nip over there and see what they come on on the roll .
14 Or at tea , when they come in in the morning or when they go home in the evening .
15 they come from over the sh , the shop way a lot of them
16 ‘ Well , we know that they come from behind the Iron Curtain and that there are vast stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons in the Eastern Bloc .
17 And they come from behind the screen !
18 And these were the positive ones and , remember , they come from within the ‘ old age ’ field itself where , incidentally , two groups reported they had retirement ages for their own committees .
19 Feminist methods frequently situate themselves socially and historically in ways which distinguish the concept of the subject they work with from the one which underpins qualitative psychological methods , and which give these methods a different significance .
20 There will be a small minority for whom achieving level 1 alone will present longer-term goals , which they work towards through a series of preliminary programmes .
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