Example sentences of "they [vb base] [verb] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This would not end the wars , but it would in effect be a declaration from the Israelis announcing that whilst they intend to fight to keep the disputed territory , they are nevertheless admitting that their right to it is no different from that of anyone else , and until the world produces some better way than fighting , this is how they will-operate .
2 " However much they earn seems to make no difference .
3 They seem to seem to bring the best out of both teams . ’
4 They seem to want to get a snap of me rather than you at the moment , ’ and she said , ‘ Oh , I 've had my innings and it 's been a good innings . ’
5 I have friends who are magistrates and I know they feel tempted to give a fine or bail , when they should be giving a prison sentence .
6 Most of them fish legally for sharks , but some still illegally net totoaba , and the 125- and 150-mm ( 5 and 6-inch ) mesh nets they use continue to drown the vaquita .
7 When all allowance is made for such factors , it has to be said that as some people get older they do appear to show a marked increase in anxious self-absorption .
8 Since the alteration of the law on homosexual acts between consenting adults , there has been a startling increase in the number of male patients who are prepared to talk freely about their homosexuality , and this can only be to the good , as they do appear to have a considerably higher chance of acquiring certain of the sexually transmitted conditions .
9 For now the Council is looking at a number of ways to save money , if they DO decide to close the pool , these might be the only swimmers left later this summer .
10 It is quite surprising how many of my particular clients do take out that particular plan and they do tend to mention the same type of er of benefits that y that er that you just mentioned there , it is er I think it is a good plan , universally appreciated .
11 I I 've probably seen them about four or five times in the last six months and they do tend to go a bit route one when Walsh is playing but today their link up play has been excellent .
12 Creamy cleansers are most effective at removing makeup , regardless of your skin type ( always use two applications for a thorough cleanse ) , but they do tend to leave a greasy residue .
13 They do tend to keep an eye on me anyway .
14 But , they do seem to stress the way the changes in democratic practices were merely responding to the need to adapt the US model to Japanese values as though there were a collectively agreed set of values to call upon .
15 Although Feingold 's theory was not entirely right , he was correct to single out food additives for blame — they do seem to play a disproportionate role in hyperactivity , compared to other types of illness such as asthma or eczema .
16 Certainly , they do try to escape the desires via suicide on occasions .
17 I mean you ca n't do that there is no correlation between you ca n't say that all the activists are extroverts cos are actually quite about the way they but they do like to have a go and it does n't say all the reflectors cos they 're sitting back and thinking and they 're actually quiet reflectors .
18 Pilots do n't have to spend their waking hours obsessed with danger , but they do have to spend a lot of time rolling the word safety around their minds .
19 They would n't need them because of the , this technology and that that 's but nevertheless they do ha they would be conscripted because they do have to have the ground troops of
20 I do not mean by this that they have had to invent new beliefs , but they do have to adopt the voluntary camaraderie of the sects .
21 Although the publishers rejected the idea of a joint imprint , they do have to market the books jointly — but in such a way that the public and foreign publishers looking to pick up the foreign rights are not confused .
22 It should be a matter of judgement for local authorities to what degrees they are indebted , because they do have to pay the interest , by and large from the er , from the money they raise on erm , on on council tenants , and and from other income .
23 It 's er Bob student they 've asked to interrupt the .
24 The latest from Aussie tats MR FLOPPY , whose single , ‘ 100,000 Morrisseys ’ has taken everyone by surprise ( not least the band who split up soon after its release ) , is that they 've decided to re-form The band , who described The Stone Roses as , ‘ A bunch of Pommie scum who ca n't play and flounce around in flares ’ , will celebrate with a new EP , tentatively entitled ‘ Tubular Bells ’ .
25 The latest from Aussie tats MR FLOPPY , whose single , ‘ 100,000 Morrisseys ’ has taken everyone by surprise ( not least the band who split up soon after its release ) , is that they 've decided to re-form The band , who described The Stone Roses as , ‘ A bunch of Pommie scum who ca n't play and flounce around in flares ’ , will celebrate with a new EP , tentatively entitled ‘ Tubular Bells ’ .
26 But at Slimbridge Wildfowl Trust , they 've decided to create a Kingfisher paradise .
27 Faced with those kind of possible reductions in service , if there is a penny one penny more than necessary spent on administration and bureaucracy wherever it is in the youth and community programme that is gon na be less money for front line vision and the Labour group can have to think very , very carefully about that and the issue is gon na be that if we 're spending too much money or if they 're coming back to supplementary estimates which wo n't be available er given the financial situation next year if we 're having two heads of centres or whatever when we could have one that is gon na mean less money for front line services to the people of Highfields and there 'll only be one group that will be responsible for that , if that does come about and I think that 's something that we all need to bear in mind because what we were told as members of that committee is that the youth and community budget is gon na be in for some very serious times in the future and it 's mainly the government 's fault because of the way they 've decided to re-organise the situation it 's going out of our hands into the control of an unelected body and like most members of this council I think we would oppose that but that 's the reality of the situation and I could not support any increase of funds er for any community centres if I knew it was simply gon na be spent on administration .
28 Luckily they 've decided to modernise the gauges instead of going for full bailing-wire authenticity , and the Vintage Reissue Strings come in a sensible .010 to .039 size .
29 I 'm not fighting anybody just because they 've decided to make a comeback . ’
30 Recently signed to Gilles Peterson 's Talkin' Loud label at Phonogram , it 's here that they 've gathered to address the question of how the Great British music press is going to receive them .
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