Example sentences of "they [vb past] [to-vb] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Whereas the DoT almost ‘ directed ’ the BGA to take some action , they failed to direct the CAA , to co-operate ’ .
2 They planned to visit the Rockies and fly on to Vancouver and then down into the States .
3 Shortly after Yeltsin 's resignation Vyacheslav Shostakovsky read an announcement on behalf of a group of prominent Democratic Platform members to the effect that they planned to leave the CPSU in order to found their own party ; apparently this action had been triggered by the retention in the new party rules , approval on July 12 , of democratic centralism and a ban on factions .
4 Its eight-man crew also perished as they strived to rescue the Santampa 's crew .
5 This was strengthened by the American admission during the exchanges that they proposed to recognise the RDC as the official consultative body in the south .
6 ( 10 ) Thew Engineering ( Harvard OTC ) " They helped to lift the Mary Rose … "
7 They tried to reach the River Po , which they hoped to cross so that they could eventually get back to Germany .
8 The Honorat regime had threatened to arrest members of the legislature if they tried to ratify the February 1992 US-sponsored Washington accord between the legislature and President Aristide , providing for the latter 's eventual return to power [ see pp. 38758 ; 38808 ] .
9 But to business , the game against Crewe on Saturady was a run of the mill 3rd round cup tie agaainst a team from the lower divisions , namely they came to shut the Leeds midfield down and run around alot while Leeds sat back and attempted to play footy .
10 Now they tired to enlist the CIA Kermit ( Kinm ) Roosevelt , grandson of Theodore , veteran of the OSS and the head of the Agencies Middle Eastern operations , was invited to London to discuss the British plan .
11 In opposition the Conservatives had , it is true , pressed for a select committee , but when they returned to power the Commons committee they established was quite ineffective .
12 They decided to attempt the Australia to England record on the return journey , and left Melbourne in fine weather on October 6 .
13 In the 1580s the Turkey Company and the Venice Company were founded , and in 1592 they combined to form the Levant Company , which learned enough about the riches of the Indies for various members of it to organize the East India Company , which had about £68,000 trading capital for its first voyage and a charter granted on 31 December 1600 .
14 They went to hear the Sibelius Violin Concerto superlatively played by Isaac Stern .
15 For two days they battled to cross the Snake River , swollen by winter 's melted snows .
16 2–11–1911 As " it was impossible for the congregation to meet on the Sabbath the 5th day of November owing to the stormy weather prevailing that day " they resolved to dispense the Lord 's Supper on the next Sabbath .
17 So they had to abandon the Ferreira Hotel and most of their possessions .
18 The story weaves the Japanese viewpoint widely through the film and presents , probably for the first time to most movie viewers , a rational reason why the Japanese felt they had to attack the United States or suffer as a second-class nation .
19 Then they had to survive the River Severn eel harvest — most are sold to East Europe and Germany where they 're a delicacy .
20 Last night she and her mother bedded down on a mattress in the back of their secondhand horse-box eating food heated up on a mobile stove because they refused to pay the London prices of the arena 's eating places .
21 Later that year a combined army of men led by Sigmar and Dwarfs led by King Kurgan met and defeated a huge horde of Goblins and Orcs as they attempted to cross the Worlds Edge Mountains at the Black Fire Pass .
22 From 1977 , if they wanted to cross the Atlantic cheaply , they turned to Freddie Laker .
23 Two friends from the paras — one an ex-member of the Irish Rangers , the other a deserter from the French Foreign Legion — were saving up for a trip to South Africa where they intended to join the South African Army .
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