Example sentences of "they [vb past] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When they disappeared he turned his attention to a couple of girls who were laughing and giggling as they flung an orange frisbee at each other .
2 Nonetheless , they also found that the professional newcomers to the area were often upset by the environmental consequences of modern farming ( see Chapters 8 and 9 ) and since they lacked a rural power base they formed environmental pressure groups to protest against the farmers , thus creating a new form of social division in the rural community .
3 Central government was felt to be too remote from the people ; they lacked a sufficient sense of participation in its affairs and were beset by a sense of unresolved grievance .
4 First it was claimed that LEAs had inadequate information about curriculum provision in schools ; and , second , that they lacked a clear policy on the curriculum .
5 Helen Cam once suggested that parliamentary petitions may have sprung from the already practised art of the clergy in drafting lists of gravamina , or grievances , which at intervals since 1237 they had submitted to the king for redress ; but G. O. Sayles traces the origin more directly to the legal procedure of bills of complaint submitted to the king 's itinerant justices , and certainly the character of the early parliamentary petitions seems to bear this out : clerical gravamina were corporate complaints directed against general practices rather than particular people and they lacked the specific quality which individual parliamentary petitions naturally displayed .
6 Since they lacked the necessary cash , the government would be obliged to furnish them with credit .
7 More significantly , they lacked the personal conviction necessary to argue for the ‘ balanced ’ curriculum for the younger pupils .
8 Perhaps they lacked the ideological baggage , or even the intellectual equipment , to recognize the type of mentality which lay behind the smiles and jokes .
9 TERRY Venables and Alan Sugar were all smiles when , in June 1991 , they announced a joint rescue package for financially-crippled Tottenham Hotspur .
10 In the US in 1986 when they announced a voluntary retirement incentive ( ‘ VRI ’ in their parlance ) , 13,000 IBMers grabbed it ; then in 88 when IBM consolidated US manufacturing and headquarters , another 7,500 went .
11 They revealed a poor judgement which damaged the Government and destroyed his career .
12 Another neglected master emerged on three LPs of Piano Sonatas by Harold Truscott , played , as in the Founds , by the indefatigable peter Jacobs ; they revealed a muscial thinker of a very high order who has been , and still is , cruelly ignored by the muscial establishment ( again , I understand that John Ogdon 's recording for Altarus of Truscott 's Tenth is due for release soon — and I would also make a plea for a re-issue of those other Sonatas on CD : they are contrapuntal masterpieces , sometimes witty , often beautiful , and they ought to be much more widely known ) .
13 Finally , the RAC 's responses were interesting in that they revealed the wide variety of provision of training that already existed , carried out within institutions and provided by major regional centres , and also suggested that this diversity would continue .
14 He said they revealed the true length of the queues .
15 But his reckoning was good : they skimmed the British trench system and raced across the ruptured wastes of no-man's-land exactly opposite the given map reference .
16 I remember how calm and serene my father looked as he lay in his coffin and how I seemed to feel something break within me when they lowered the plush-covered lid and we rode behind the hearse to Rosedale Cemetery for the interment .
17 He had watched them silently as they lowered the little bush into the prepared hole , with considerable argument as to how the roots should be spread .
18 When the clothes were wet and were put to dry in front of the household 's fire , they polluted the whole atmosphere with sulphurous fumes .
19 My ancestors were wealthy and powerful ; they owned a vast amount of property and a fleet of merchant ships .
20 Their lips met once more as slowly they savoured the pure essence of love .
21 Then the moment came when the tow line was released and they savoured the eerie feeling of riding the rising thermals .
22 On arrival at the laboratory , they met a second volunteer and the research scientist .
23 Next they met a small brook which Artemis and Buttons had also jumped previously , and which they flew again , and finally , before reaching the King 's Bushes , they met a low but wide hedge .
24 Life was faster , demands changed more quickly , and people were included because they met a particular need at a particular time .
25 But all over the pastoral Midlands and the south of England too , the canals flowed clear and sparkling in the sunshine , something new in the landscape with their towpaths , lock-keepers ’ cottages , stables for canal horses , their Navigation or Canal Inns where they met a main road , and their long and narrow gaily painted boats .
26 After a lengthy discussion with the Foreign Minister , Mr Qian Qichen , they met the Prime Minister , Mr Li Peng , and the Communist Party leader , Mr Jiang Zemin .
27 When Sarah told her that he had been offered and refused a foreman 's job , Anne was bitterly angry that he had said nothing about it when they met the previous evening , but now she was unable to resist saying , ‘ Yes , that would be great , ’ as coolly as possible .
28 Normally the top two finishers in each event would be named in the team provided they met the qualifying time set by the International Amateur Athletic Federation .
29 Her eyes flashed coldly as they met the blank astonishment in his .
30 There they met an equal number of members of the congregation , people like themselves , who would be invited to share their experiences .
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