Example sentences of "they [vb past] in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Although all the factions agreed to disarm and demobilise their armies when they met in Paris to 1991 to sign the peace agreement that paved the way to last month 's election , they have not honoured their word .
2 Perhaps the most fundamental factor drawing government and businessmen together was the common ground they shared in relation to labour .
3 His attention settled on the ducks on the lake but whenever he got near they fled in panic to the shore and sheltered under bushes and trees where he could not reach them .
4 The memories they described in response to the stimulus were highly specific and no longer consciously recollected ; on experiencing the memory they also relived the feelings they had at the time .
5 They arrived in Carlingford to a fine drizzle , and just in time for Ellie to take part in the leprechaun hunt .
6 They walked in silence to a gate at the end of the orchard and into a farmyard .
7 She slipped her hand through the crook of his arm once they emerged into the foyer and they walked in silence to the lift to go down to the basement car park .
8 In a similar way , Park and his colleagues argued , the growing city was developing as a set of specialised yet interacting physical communities as they adapted in relation to one another .
9 We are , regrettably , completely in the dark as to how they functioned in relation to each other .
10 They lost in overtime to a field goal by Pete Stoyanovich , Miami 's rookie kicker .
11 They swayed in time to the music , and then Calder cleared his throat .
12 This is what they sang in praise to God :
13 A cut-away view would show the relative size of the larger plants and indicate where they grew in relation to the banks .
14 As they listened in class to the dialogues which the children were constructing for themselves they were able to see quite clearly where their preparation had been deficient and where their teaching of new material had not been thorough enough .
15 Once recognised , they can claim , as they did in response to The Satanic Verses , that their world view and their power are divine and therefore unassailable .
16 Hence it seems right to argue , as does Kohn ( 1967 , pp. 99–100 ) , that nationalism and the formation of nation states depend upon the development of popular sovereignty ; that historically , in Western Europe and subsequently in other parts of the world , they emerged in opposition to the existing political arrangements of empires or feudal societies , as aspects of a broad democratic movement .
17 For example , in 1967 the Monopolies Commission investigated the general effect on the public interest of certain restrictive practices so far as they prevailed in relation to the supply of professional services .
18 Under the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle , provisionally signed on 30 April 1748 , and finally concluded on 18 October , which ended the War of the Austrian Succession ( and of Jenkins 's Ear ) , the French agreed — as they had in relation to the Old Pretender under the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 — to recognise the Hanoverian succession and to refuse shelter to those who challenged it .
19 That the programme was taking place at all was an amazing thing in itself , but when I heard people in the studio audience talking of the need to sacrifice the hostages now for the sake of others in the future , just as they had in Day to Day nine months previously , I wondered why so few people seemed to share my view that we were being duped into believing that teaching the terrorists a lesson was the sole issue .
20 For example , the members of the Rowdies group were well aware of their positions , and where they stood in relation to one another was clearly defined .
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