Example sentences of "they [vb past] a [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Early in 1991 , they announced an extension to their popular Graphical User Interface , Windows 3 which has itself sold nearly 2.5 million copies since it was launched in May 1990 .
2 On the way to the tomato patch they made a detour to Louis 's workshop to collect some baskets .
3 Dorothy 's Journals provide a record of the tour , which involved the use of a vehicle described as ‘ an Irish jaunting car ’ ; they made a pilgrimage to the grave of Burns and visited Sir Walter Scott , whose Lay of the Last Minstrel was to introduce the new metre of Christabel to a public who had never heard of the source .
4 They were taken aback as the huge hangar doors blew in and fortunately they made a move to an interior fortified wall just as the roof was torn off and the building collapsed .
5 When they applied a voltage to the grid , the pyrole polymerised onto it .
6 Users were intercepted as they approached a terminal to either catalogue and asked to undertake their searches under controlled conditions .
7 Eight people were arrested yesterday after police with riot shields were attacked by about 30 teenagers as they moved a family to safety from a council house at Southmead , Bristol .
8 In 1421 they entered a contract to be loyal to each other without dissimulation or fraud .
9 They provided an introduction to the new qualifications , with workshops covering general SVQs in each vocational area .
10 They found an extension to the drawing room with thigh-high cannabis plants growing in polythene bags full of compost .
11 While it is true that by the turn of the century both middle and working class women were profoundly affected by the gospel of maternalism preached by the medical profession , imperialists and politicians , it is also possible to find examples of straightforward resistance to physicians both on the grounds that they encouraged middle class women to lead idle lives and that they posed a threat to female modesty .
12 Britain 's problems were now so acute that they posed a threat to American interests and the free world 's financial system .
13 André 's delighted grin brought a resigned smile to her lips , and they caught a cab to one of the casinos , where the roulette tables were buzzing with that particular glittering breed of night-life whose adrenalin flowed in front of the gambling table .
14 Two of them , disguised as Spanish workers , walked the seventeen kilometres to Parma where they caught a train to Milan , and were arrested on the way .
15 From there , they drove to Zagreb where they caught a plane to Heathrow .
16 They composed a letter to the Social Work Services Group , a department of the Scottish Office , and to the Local Government Ombudsman .
17 Romania looked world beaters when they thrashed Wales 5–1 last May , but they dropped a point to the Czechs at the weekend and are notoriously bad away from home .
18 ‘ Capitalist swine , ’ she murmured , and sank back into a sleep in which she tossed and stretched and he was sure muttered someone else 's name , but in the morning went with him to a garage and they actually bought a car , albeit second hand , and she let herself be dragged into a travel agency and they booked a holiday to Spain just like anyone else .
19 New ideas such as the transmutation of species acquired political overtones because they symbolized a challenge to the existing power structure both within science and within society at large .
20 When Ross and Minton set off in August 1947 , stopping first in Paris where they obtained a passage to Ajaccio from the French Minister of Culture , Louis Joxe , they did not know each other well .
21 When police investigations began to point towards the culprits , they addressed a petition to King George VI appealing for the stone 's formal return to Scotland , and fastened this to the door of St Giles 's cathedral in Edinburgh .
22 A group of Scots taken prisoner at Solway Moss , the earls of Glencairn and Cassillis , lords Fleming , Maxwell , Somerville and others , obtained their release and were sent back to Scotland when they signed a request to Henry that he should take Mary into his care , with the intention of marrying her to his son , the future Edward VI ; their offer that they would help to bring him to power in Scotland , should Mary die , was kept entirely secret .
23 17–6–1848 They forwarded a memorial to Lord John Russell praying that the Post Office should be caused to be shut throughout the Kingdom on the Lord 's day ; and on 19th February 1849 they petitioned the shareholders at Perth against running trains on the Sabbath .
24 At the same time they submitted a memorial to Manners which stated their conviction ‘ that by a developement [ sic ] on the basis of the old architecture of the country there exists the best hope of our Public Buildings being effectually improved in character ’ .
25 They talked a lot to each other , and sometimes I could hear what they said , even when they were in another room .
26 They delivered a letter to the Chancellor today setting out what they think need to get their wheels turning again .
27 It was still dark and cold , so , to raise their spirits , they sang a hymn to the sun-god , the great Daybog , calling on him to rise and give them warmth and light .
28 They demanded an end to the use of racism by management to divide workers .
29 Henceforward the black vote had to be considered by every politician , and black leaders became more outspoken as they demanded an end to segregation .
30 Next morning they took a cab to Holborn .
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