Example sentences of "they [modal v] have in the " in BNC.

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1 As discussed in Chapter 1 , certain classes of sellers , mainly receivers and liquidators , do take advantage of the provisions of s 12 ( 3 ) of the SGA or s 2(3) of the SGSA to pass only such title as they may have in the goods , subject to disclosure of known encumbrances , and a warranty of quiet possession so far as they are concerned .
2 We could n't see the track they were following at all — amazing sense of direction they must have in the Jungle .
3 ‘ Our sentencing system has become muddled , and many of our fellow citizens lack the confidence which they should have in the decisions of our criminal courts .
4 When he urged the pieds noirs to give up integration , when he ordered the army to remain loyal , when he appealed to the FLN to lay down their arms and negotiate , he evoked not just the powers and responsibilities of his office but the confidence that they should have in the person of himself , General de Gaulle .
5 The implication behind this hierarchy of the forms of absence in James is that secrets , ghosts and death are merely pale prefigurations of art as absent essence , and therefore that any significance they might have in the functioning of the tales derives from their status as anticipatory metaphors of art itself .
6 They did not seem to realize that the Allies ' prime concern was the neutrality of Spain , and that any interest they might have in the nature of its political regime existed as a function of that concern .
7 Tongues solicitously tutted over the black band still stitched to Melanie 's sleeve for they all ( as they would have in the village ) knew of the children 's arrival and how they had been orphaned .
8 The one-to-one teaching usually meant that they learned more and did better than they would have in the classroom .
9 Making risk assessments while they were driving may have caused drivers to think about risks in the situations to a greater extent than they would have in the course of normal driving .
10 The crisis-weary Poles are showing far less enthusiasm for this agreement than they would have in the heady days of 1980 .
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