Example sentences of "they [modal v] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By exploring the world in terms of the actions and their effects , young children come to realise that objects can be acted upon in different ways and that actions often result in objects changing their location ; they may be moved to a new place , positioned with respect to other objects or located on surfaces and in containers .
2 As these fish are mostly open spawners , it is pointless supplying numerous caves made of rockpiles as they may be moved during the fish 's excavations .
3 They may be moved from this pit to others during the wriggler stage , or once they are free-swimming , and the parents will go for a further 6–8 weeks before considering another family .
4 They may be moved by a sense of party loyalty .
5 They may be detected with computed tonography and duplex sonography , but selective angiography is still the diagnostic examination of choice .
6 They may be hampered in the efficient winding up of your affairs by the limited powers Parliament gives to the next of kin in these circumstances .
7 They may be stored in bins or sacks , loose on the floor , or in silos .
8 Therefore , in any year , they may be expensed ( when they have generated revenues ) or they may be stored in the balance sheet ( for example , as closing stock , when they have yet to generate revenues ) .
9 Now members of LA 's rock ‘ aristocracy ’ , they may be viewed in some quarters as an anachronism but no-one could deny that they can still draw the big crowds in a way that would make many a ‘ hip ’ band envious .
10 Consumers may be poisoned in their beds by improperly tested medical drugs , they may be killed over their dinner tables by unhygienically prepared food , they may be blown up to God knows where by the neighbourhood chemical complex exploding , and they may become fatally diseased in their living rooms by industrial pollution .
11 Many can be reached only by walking , for several days along precarious footpaths and they may be cut off half the year by snow .
12 While the Z-parameters relevant to low-frequency operation may be obtained from static characteristics , they may be determined at any frequency by measuring certain small signals of the network under suitable open-circuit conditions .
13 Since they may be determined in a way favourable to the defendant , there is no need to decide any other complaints he might have about the conduct of his trial .
14 Under RSC Ord 3 , r3 they may be served during the Long Vacation including the month of August .
15 Plant pieces are not actively used in the construction of the nest , but they may be employed as an anchor , or in the case of broad leaf plants that reach the surface , as a site for the whole nest .
16 It works particularly awkwardly for married women at any age , since they may be employed at quite a different level from their husbands , or not at all .
17 Where travellers are provided with food and drink and fail to pay before they depart from the premises , they may be charged with a criminal offence ( making off without payment ) contrary to s.3(1) of the Theft Act 1978 .
18 Most proceedings may be commenced in either court , though they may be transferred to the other court in due course ; of the rest , there are some which should always be commenced in the county court and others which should always be commenced in the High Court ( notwithstanding that the county court has jurisdiction to hear the case ) .
19 They may be advertised in local newspapers or on local radio .
20 This guide contains information about specific medical conditions which may affect older people in residential and nursing homes and other places where they may be cared for — such as hotels and guest houses .
21 Once the young are born they may be cared for by both their parents for many days .
22 They may be recognised by the courts as part of the constitutional background against which a particular decision is taken ( Carltona v. Commissioner of Works ( C.A. , 1943 ) ) , but will not be enforced directly .
23 They may be deprived of skills and they may receive less stimulation than , say , middle-class English children , but inside the Asian family they get plenty of security and love .
24 If grouped together ( within 5″ of another chariot ) they may be treated as a unit for leadership tests testing on the value of the highest .
25 Assume further that the probe lengths are sufficiently small that they may be treated as points in comparison with the clones , and that the probes are all single-copy .
26 The lack of such a maximum at Cape Grim leaves open the possibility that they may be caused by phenomena other than , or in addition to , increased transport from the stratosphere in springtime , such as enhanced photochemical production of ozone at that time .
27 They may be threatened with having it cut off , or having their hand cut off .
28 … to seek for Christ 's sheep that are dispersed abroad , and for his children who are in the midst of this naughty world , that they may be saved through Christ for ever .
29 They may be coerced by others
30 They may be composed of impact ejecta , some of which may have been molten .
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