Example sentences of "they [modal v] [not/n't] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Midfielders Jon Gautrey and John Roche are both expected to have recovered from injuries suffered last weekend , although they may not be risked in view of next week 's F.A .
2 Like the Israelite prophets , they may not be honoured in their own country but they are recognized as belonging .
3 Large district libraries with bookstocks of between 40,000 to 100,000 volumes should ‘ meet the demands of all those whose main need is for books and information on specific subjects , even though they may not be engaged in formal study ’ , and also ‘ meet the needs of those who wish to select their books from a wide range of cultural or recreational materials of high standard ’ .
4 Unusual terms may need to be given special prominence , or be highlighted in some way , otherwise they may not be incorporated in the contract ( Interfoto Picture Library Ltd v Stiletto Visual Programmes Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 348 ) .
5 I think one has to remember that these are people coming from a war-torn area that had been held in either refugee camps or detention centres and they will be traumatised and although they may not be injured , they 've suffered some horror , so they 'll have emotional problems to be dealt with as well .
6 Reliance on the tenant 's audited accounts for the purpose of calculating turnover may be unwise for the landlord , not because those accounts may be inaccurate but because they may not be settled until well after the end of the rental period in question .
7 Sometimes better ( > ) for passive motion ; they want to be carried the whole time but even then they may not be quietened for long and will demand to be carried by someone else .
8 Clients also worry about discussing their troubles in case they may not be allowed treatment .
9 it would be sacrilege if he gets the vacant No 4 shirt , they may not be allowed to do that anyway .
10 Er , so that 's okay to an extent , but obviously we 've got an approved list of building societies and banks , which we never used to have , but we 've realized that er since B C C I p particularly and the housing market as bad as it is , there are some building societies and banks who may be in difficulties , and if they go down erm then they may not be taken over .
11 They may not be used extensively now , but countries could easily turn to halons as a replacement for some CFCs .
12 They may not be used routinely , but there certainly are circumstances in which they do provide assistance .
13 The ban takes the form of a circular stating that it is illegal to sell , purchase , import , export or even carry tiger bones or rhino horns and that they may not be used in medicines .
14 But , molly-coddled by the government for years , they may not be equipped to stand on their own two feet .
15 The following year he sent to Gronovius in Holland ‘ many curiosities ’ via Collinson , hoping they may not be intercepted by the French and Spaniards , as the year before .
16 ‘ Our passengers are not dumbos , therefore they must n't be babied along .
17 That is why they must not be accepted .
18 The words were mouthed ; they must not be detected .
19 For , not only must these systems perform the required service in a timely and efficient manner , but also they must not be exposed to the threat of failure or interference .
20 Yet they must not be regarded merely as ‘ difficulties ’ in the text .
21 Thus , although these reserves include many of the most vulnerable areas and species they must not be given undue importance in the consideration of a wildlife conservation policy .
22 They must not be bought or sold or even taken or given as a present .
23 Most of them have been accidentally obtained from seeds so they must not be esteemed as different species , therefore I shall only insert their common names by which they are known in gardens , that those who are inclined to collect all the varieties may be at no loss for their titles .
24 In the past , some purists have said that all surface decoration applied to designed objects — all ornament , in other words — must be based on motifs which look flat , ie. they must not be drawn with a third dimension : you are allowed to make a pattern out of squares , so to speak , but not cubes .
25 They must not be hurt .
26 While you must allow enough space in each area to work efficiently , they must not be spaced too far apart , or you will be walking backwards and forwards much more than is necessary .
27 This is not to say that functionalists would be in sympathy with Freud 's belief that certain unconscious mental processes are so anxiety-provoking that they must not be allowed to enter awareness .
28 They must not be allowed to train a new and superior élite , and free places in them ( when and where they are introduced ) should go not only to the cleverest but to those who need a boarding education .
29 But they must not be allowed to become bored with the whole thing .
30 They must not be allowed to lose sight of the prime message .
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