Example sentences of "they [be] go into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Boys seem to make an effort only if they are going into a situation where they know they might meet someone they fancy , whereas lots of girls I know will put on make-up just to go to the local shop !
2 Keith does not understand why they are going into the next room .
3 Erm they are going into the villages , they 're making contacts with individual peasants erm it 's those peasants that , that they get to stand up and make the first accusations , it 's those peasants who join the Party erm and the process can build up in , in a way which was more difficult before then .
4 John Gorman says he hopes they 're going to have a very good season … he says they have nothing to fear … they are going into the unknown but that 's a good thing … there 's a hunger in the club … they 've got to go and enjoy it
5 How do they , what sort of aura do they get that they know that they 're going into a fit ?
6 Th they then very able to do jobs , but the lack of , for example , training and they do n't get into those jobs , and secondly , we need to make an equal opportunities culture , very clear , so that women can come forward , and do n't feel as though the they 're going into a workforce that it to totally male dominated , which is quite off-putting .
7 Oh yes we use cos when you 're dredging , you see when the eels came in the mud , eels always go in the mud in the winter time , you do n't , many eels swirl out , they go in the mud and when you 're dredging and they 're going into the hopper , cos they used to get stunned and they used to swim round right down the top of the water and they used to come up to the side , and if they come up to the side you could have your knife and just come here , cos they were stunned , pick 'em out .
8 Right , do you think do you think did the army consider they were going into a colonial situation ?
9 One they were going into a pub , and going into the toilets , you know , making a , so he had a a policeman waiting in and the toilets , for them you see , and the o one other , notable occasion he was seen chasing them down the main street in Morley , he got his cape on , you see ,
10 Er and then I heard from Australia that they were going into the engineering exhibition in Melbourne and I offered them er a mobile display and they came back with one or two added ideas and so I changed the specification again .
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