Example sentences of "they [be] [verb] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus while most of the blues-derived techniques I have mentioned appear to set the music in opposition to mainstream musical language ( including that of many contemporary pop songs ) , they are developed in such a way as to lay stress on individualistic virtuosity and personal expression , achieved through ‘ professional ’ mastery of instrumental technique ; and this could be seen as at least compatible with the traditions of bourgeois art .
2 Made of upright panels , they are mounted in attractive solid beech wood frames giving a beautiful surround to samples on pictures .
3 They are hiding in one of every three of the delicious chocolate eggs .
4 They are hiding in one of every three of the delicious chocolate eggs .
5 This is the order in which they are analysed in this manual .
6 The current protocols on access to and inter-lending of theses in Britain were developed by SCONUL , and they are printed in each issue of Aslib 's Index to Theses .
7 Ethnomethodology depicts conversation as discourse constructed and negotiated between the participants , following pre-established patterns , and marking the direction they are taking in particular ways : with pauses , laughter , intonations , filler words , and established formulae .
8 In its publications , it claimed to be ‘ one of England 's Great Public Schools ’ ; it was ‘ the ‘ public school ’ of the sons of the poor , where , for a short time , they are trained in those qualities which make Public School boys so healthy , esprit de corps , obedience , humility , a sense of responsibility , honour and truthfulness ’ .
9 There , in a five-day course , they are trained in basic AIDS education , education skills , script writing , puppetry techniques and animation exercises .
10 They are featured in all the books but , like Myxobolus .
11 All organisms exhibit these properties in varying degree ; however they are displayed in purest form in the skeletons of micro-organisms such as Radiolaria .
12 Crucial to the success of selling carpets is the manner in which they are displayed in retail carpet shops .
13 FEW lending institutions have much in common with the Labour party but they are united in one respect : both are worried about people disappearing from the electoral register through poll tax evasion .
14 A bit of Euro savvy is de rigueur these days — so while Tarling and Freedman 's suits and jackets are clearly inspired by Savile Row , they are made in soft , lightweight tweeds and worsteds , with a far more relaxed fit and gentle construction .
15 And when they are listening in this way to check their theories they have a real purpose in listening .
16 A few chapters of Music , Mind , and Brain are stimulating and produce the right sort of sparks ; but others jar either because they are couched in long-winded jargon , or because they set off with a title and intent , which lead one to expect something new in the way of results , but then degenerate into vague speculations .
17 Both uses can in French be covered by the same word ancien , but they are distinguished in that the separative use requires prenominal position , while the standard use has the adjective after the noun , as in : ( 43 ) l'ancienne école de Charlie a fait banqueroute ( 44 ) cette école ancienne a hébergé les fils des tyrans depuis des siècles The same distinction is also marked overtly in Thai ; in this case it is realized not by a difference of syntactic position , but by a different choice of lexical item .
18 The rods are situated mainly in the peripheral area of the retina and they are activated in lower levels of lighting .
19 There is no doubt that factors like these are important in what we may call the social ‘ life ’ of language , and they are implicated in many aspects of linguistic variation and change .
20 They are conducted in public , by a show of hands .
21 The lakes are certainly there but they are hidden in dense jungle , only accessible by a network of sandy tracks .
22 This is the lowest point of the local workings in the area and they are drained in this manner .
23 However , even a rudimentary enquiry into the problems discussed above shows that they are connected in obvious ways .
24 Because they are viewed in this light parents may respond with diffidence to those carrying out the assessment of their child and simply reflect back and reinforce professional perceptions .
25 It is important that they are kept in good working order so that water does not leak from the system and so that you can turn the water off when you want to . :
26 Keg beers — so called because they are kept in sealed and pressurised containers called kegs — are therefore injected with carbon dioxide and connected to cylinders of CO 2 ; in the pub cellar .
27 Natural immunity to disease is lowered as animals are pumped full of antibiotics ; they are kept in cramped spaces often unable to turn around ; they are not provided with straw to lie on ; and they never see daylight .
28 I do understand that many people think wild animals roam over very large spaces and therefore feel cramped if they are kept in restricted areas but most have territories , areas which they mark out for themselves in various ways , and spend all their time inside these territories anyway and consequently they can consider their enclosure as being their own territory .
29 They are quilted in different patterns and trimmed with frills .
30 If all the cases that attract attention , because they are argued in important appellate courts before public scrutiny , are occasions on which judges are scrupulous in denying that they are serving the goal of protected expectations through their decisions , this can hardly do much to reinforce the public 's faith in that ideal .
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