Example sentences of "they [adv] [vb past] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Students received a certificate only if they successfully completed the whole course : partial success was not formally certificated .
2 These courses tended , on the whole , to be externally examined and students only received a certificate if they successfully completed the whole course .
3 They soon progressed from Christmas to holidays … travel … world events … and then to food , as they laughingly divided the two plump triangles of cake and argued as to which was the nicer .
4 Doubtless they represent a thorough-going attempt to adopt the sort of Roman style envisaged by Fortunatus , and they presumably drew an admiring response from some of the more backward-looking members of the Gallo-Roman aristocracy .
5 They bitterly resented the unfounded claims , but after a time pushed it from their minds as no more than another instance of government ruthlessness in propaganda .
6 Now that the contents of everything have to be described in great detail on the packaging , they duly told the French people that it contained preservatives .
7 Skirting the marshy end , they slowly climbed the gentle slope on the other side to join the carriage drive which led them to the stable .
8 During a visit to the Galapagos in 1835 , Charles Darwin was fascinated by these birds , and they eventually played a central role in developing his theory of evolution through natural selection .
9 It goes on to say and it came about that in thy journeying eastward they eventually discovered a valid plain and a land of Shinar and they took up growing there and they began to say each one to the other come on let us make bricks and bake and bake with a burning process , so bricks served as stone for them and
10 They furiously denounced a so-called ‘ Economist ’ heresy among Social Democrats for fostering such a switch in priorities and insisted on the primacy of the political task .
11 They demolished New Zealand 22–6 in the final for their third win in successive years and they effectively became the second underwater sevens champions since Australia in 1983 , the previous ‘ monsoon ’ tournament .
12 By restricting the maximum length of pelagic gill-nets in the Australian EEZ to 2.5 km ( 1.6 miles ) , they effectively excluded the huge Taiwanese nets .
13 A British embassy official wrote to the Foreign office , " It seems that they only got a fourth-floor berth at the Excelsior … because some Persian industrialist vacated his suite . "
14 They did of course no such thing for membership was on a voluntary basis and they only represented the local Councils who had sent them .
15 To sort of make out s make sure you 've got this and that so you 're ready for the confinement and er But they only came the last minute when when they were the ma mams were expecting their babies .
16 They only lasted a short period , but the Command engineer followed up at once with proper drawings aid specified the correct heat resisting metal .
17 He declared contemptuously that their only well-developed mental quality was their memory , that they only had a small amount of intelligence , and that they were ‘ incapable of affection for man. ,
18 ‘ In places like Tynedale they only had a small stock of housing anyway and that 's been reduced .
19 The gates , they only had a single er they did n't have gates on either side here , they just got the one set of gates .
20 But she said that they had been so many months or when everybody else had a pay rise they only had a little bit .
21 His wife , Aunt Ann , was kept heavy with child most of the time , but she lost most of them and they only had the four .
22 Yeah cos they only took a hundred and something , but he said if I take about a hundred and something pound a day
23 They only liked the best .
24 I am told that Piper were so glad to land this important order that they only charged an additional £5 per aircraft for the modification .
25 He saw now that they only wanted the darned things for analysis .
26 Though they only opened the first supermarket in 1961 , there are over 40 today .
27 Every sound seemed a potential threat — the wind rustling in the pine trees , the flapping of a startled bird 's wings , the jackals ' baleful howling as they patiently awaited the abandoned carcass .
28 The teak paddles began to rotate , making little more than a whisper of sound as they gently scythed the warm air .
29 Then they together met the American Ambassador .
30 In an attempt to remove the influence of the janissaries from Istanbul , where they naturally formed a powerful opposition to his reforms , Mahmud tried to buy them off by offering them a virtually free hand in garrisoning the remote provinces of the empire .
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