Example sentences of "they [verb] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 But I would have thought that one lot of er papers would either have gone to the archives office or er been retained in the Advertiser if they amalgamated at some time .
2 You 've got okay you 've got something like a six I do n't even know what time the train comes they change at different times , the one I 've caught was at five past nine train .
3 They argued at that time that pedestrian crossings of railways were perfectly safe .
4 They moved nothing except their eyes , but they moved in perfect time to the footsteps , marking the position , flicking backwards and forwards as the human crossed the room above .
5 They appear at any time from mid-summer onwards .
6 Why did they buy at that time ?
7 They hope by that time the adoption will have been finalised .
8 and the they cost at that time the Swatch costed about one thousand three hundred thousand francs and they costed about two thousand eight hundred I think
9 If , instead of ‘ piecework ’ , the men contracted to get the harvest in by the end of a month , it meant that should they finish before that time they could then go to other jobs on the farm , drawing their usual wage whilst doing so .
10 They 're all at a different school all day , and they shop at different times … but you never see them in restaurants and why should n't they be ?
11 Some doctors may even hasten death with the pain-killing drugs they administer at this time , but their ‘ intent to kill ’ or otherwise , is rarely tested in a court .
12 She says they bark at all times of day and night .
13 Mr. Spearing : Is the Leader of the House aware that those who are concerned about this matter are grateful to him for referring to the Select Committee 's report of two years ago and that we look forward to the Government implementing the intention that they stated at that time ?
14 Gombrich sombrely recalled hearing about Auschwitz while working at the BBC Monitoring Service during the war : ‘ They claimed at that time — I remember that as if it were yesterday — they claimed that at least five million people had been killed , and I remember a colleague of mine coming to me to check this figure , because it seemed impossible .
15 I wo n't half be surprised if they get in this time , I really will
16 But such judgements are questionable because they rely on composite time series of export prices which do not expose variations in the pattern and timing of price changes of individual goods .
17 Do they feed at all times of night or just after dusk ?
18 By imperial unification they meant at this time a federal union of Britain and the white dominions , a scheme differing little in its essentials from other schemes of imperial union which had occupied the minds of the British political classes from time to time during the latter part of the nineteenth century .
19 They represented about four times the worth of the Broken Drum , staff included .
20 They reminisced about old times , particularly their weeks together at Biarritz .
21 These facts are indeed significant , but they are susceptible of a rather different Interpretation when it is accepted that importance and success amongst the ulema in the earlier period did not depend upon one 's position in the hierarchy or concomitant matters like salary or membership of the divan — to anything like the same degree that they did in later times .
22 they arguing about this time ?
23 His mounting literary reputation was by then sustained by poems as well as criticism , though he had abandoned the writing of poems before the war : ‘ It struck me they were bad , ’ he told an interviewer years later , ‘ I did n't want to print them ’ ; so that though his Collected Poems ( 1955 ) were a minor intellectual sensation when they finally appeared , they belong to another time .
24 On one occasion , when time had been scheduled in a departmental meeting for discussion of my questions , ten out of twelve members of staff present indicated that they had at one time or another received complaints from girls ( usually in the third or fourth year ) about the male bias of their overall literary ‘ diet ’ .
25 Now when I tell you about lodging houses , we had four registered lodging houses in Ipswich that they had at that time .
26 Even this severe shaking , however , failed to cause alarm amongst the local people ; they had by that time been living with the eruption for many weeks , and it is remarkable just to what extent familiarity of even something as exceptional as a volcanic eruption can breed contempt .
27 The lords-of the manoirs and their servants converged as they had in medieval times .
28 They left at closing time split up outside , I reckon .
29 But in many respects they are very different , and they come from different times : they are separated from one another by three-quarters of a century .
30 Only after a few days ' exposure to New York sunlight did they readjust to local time .
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