Example sentences of "they [verb] [adv] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Despite many attempts to provide alternatives they remain however the most effective way of restoring dull finishes particularly on aluminium utensils .
2 In Ayr , they lived in a little thatched cottage and Bel obtained employment as a washer-woman to support herself and her son , albeit in the dire poverty of her class in that time .
3 But they made not the least reply .
4 To describe Sugar as merely ‘ tight ’ would be an insult : at times they make even the pathologically disciplined Therapy ? look like a doped-out Happy Mondays .
5 They both produced nationalist movements in the 19th century , perhaps because they inhabited almost the only two parts of Spain to have an industrial revolution then .
6 They sought out the most profitable lines produced in the most efficient of their plants operating with the cheapest labour available .
7 Commission officials say that they sought out the most talented people in each field , regardless of gender or race .
8 The two laughed , but they loosened up a little .
9 They let off a little despondent these mums and toddlers thinking oh the best bit of the day , and they forget , it was n't .
10 They have done a little bit of redecorating , such as in the hallway where they put up a pretty floral paper with a wide matching border at dado level , and hung an original time recorder clock , made in Leeds and bought from an antique shop in Leigh-on-Sea .
11 In Newham the cost of services continued to rise slightly to the time of the third assessment , but in Ipswich they dropped back a little .
12 ‘ The meals are very different from what you would get at home , but once they are brought to the boil they give off a most delicious smell . ’
13 They enjoyed too the almost unlimited scope for invention and strategy , and the Personal romanticizing in bed at night .
14 As they set up the now empty suit with its back to the door , half slumped over a control panel , he settled down behind the curtained entrance of the showers .
15 They pulled off the seemingly impossible by defeating the French , the Americans and the Chinese .
16 THEY thought it was all over at the BBC 21 years ago when they switched off the most famous football commentating voice of all , Kenneth Wolstenholme .
17 They were well fed and well disposed to each other and they could hardly be blamed if they felt just a little smug .
18 They went on a little farther , and ahead of them they saw a village .
19 As a result , the Marines experienced no resistance as they jogged down the hurriedly lashed gangplanks , and spread out across the docks .
20 They turn out a little patchy , but it does not seem to matter to the fish .
21 Thus we can charge those who refuse to participate in the lobby with hypocrisy ( they use unattributed stories from other sources ) , perversity ( they ignore perhaps the most important source of all ) and of failing to do their job properly .
22 So let let's say , instead of quoting from nought , they said well a much more useful figure is perhaps , which they do quote in lots of these car magazines , is erm forty to sixty
23 As they had daily a more intimate acquaintance with , so they had a more endeared affection for , each other .
24 In the spring of 1942 they carried out the most effective sabotage raid of modern times , destroying the St Nazaire ( French coast ) battleship dock and preventing the Tirpitz — the most powerful battleship then afloat — from moving to this possible base for raids on American troop and weapon convoys .
25 Most services : ‘ lack the properties of Heineken lager — they reach only the most obvious parts of the anatomy of need ’ ( Davies and Knapp , 1988 , p. 33 ) .
26 With evaluation , as I conceive it here , they take on a more active monitoring role and , albeit under the ultimate direction of the teacher , become partners in the pedagogic enterprise .
27 Lit up in their various colours against a white wall they can look spectacular ; unlit they take on an almost sculptural quality .
28 Kathleen Kenyon , the excavator , recognized two deposits , but since there were coins of the House of Theodosius in each , it can be assumed that they accumulated over a fairly short period , perhaps as rubbish from the nearby forum .
29 That 's what I 'm saying , they need , they need just a little , in fact we do here you could argue , er , I feel that all the elements there are of a turning into something a bit ugly , I think , I think they were very quick to drop those statues down , now I know , I know the fellow who in , who set up the K G B could have been the most popular bloke in the Soviet Union , but nonetheless , er he was down within a day , I hear this morning that Yeltsin 's talking about border changes and quite frankly they 're moving too quick and Gorbachev at least was providing a bit of restraint , and I think it , they want to think in terms of decade .
30 She said to them , sometimes , but she 's a widow , she lives all alone , she has no one , she seems to expect it of me : and they sympathized all the more , and said that they could see how hard it must be for Clara to break away .
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