Example sentences of "they [verb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They crept up the stairs but ca n't have got more than half way up when our cat , Pete , came scurrying down followed by the chopper and the lump of wood .
2 Kangaroos can sustain speeds of up to 25 km/h for long periods ; but what they gain in the springs , they lose as pendulums .
3 And he took two boards and fitted them to the body , one to the breast and the other to the shoulders ; these were so hollowed out and fitted that they met at the sides and under the arms , and the hind one came up to the pole , and the other up to the beard ; and these boards were fastened into the saddle , so that the body could not move .
4 And they met in the woods where Robert was murdered .
5 It is a combat zone which they concede to the predators until morning , when they drive out their cattle again past sleeping lions and strangely reticent hyena .
6 She stood shaking , setting the flaming tresses about her quivering so that they rippled in the shafts of light broken by the barrier of trees .
7 When they got to the windows , Maisie put her ear to the glass .
8 The Sussex Daily News could only say that it was the boy who had the black eye when they got to the police station .
9 See they got on the lights so long of the day in the winter time and made them lay just like as if it 'd been summer .
10 After a further period four queens and then four aces came along and they got in the beds too .
11 Wher near our hospital they all liked to wear western clothes , they were a bit out of date but er the there , there were lots of T-shirts and s and dresses worn by the people , there was even a Blackpool T-shirt , I 'm not sure how they got in the shops .
12 However , while they remain in the hands of farmers , and while agricultural workers are completely dependent on their employers not only for their jobs but also for housing and education , there can be little hope of real improvement or of community involvement .
13 The Macedonian royal house was deeply involved with Persia : Gygaia , the sister of Alexander I , was given in marriage to a Persian called Boubares , and they lived off the revenues of a Phrygian city given them by the Persian king ( Hdt. viii .
14 From the vibration of air , they lived through the eyes ,
15 They lived with the shepherds and survived chiefly on mutton cooked with wild herbs , spignel meu they found to be a good substitute for rosemary and the child loved to eat the aniseed-flavoured seedheads .
16 They lived amongst t' roots of t' trees .
17 Grinning broadly the French boy led the way into the forest , and for a quarter of an hour they threaded through the trees following a narrow trail .
18 They giggle into the mirrors .
19 Among those who could not attend but said they agreed with the aims of the delegation were Owen Jones and Bellamy .
20 But Jean Orr , Professor of Nursing , Queen 's University Belfast and one of the authors of the report , emphasised community staff still had ‘ a lot of energy ’ for students and they agreed with the principles of Project 2000 .
21 The Evangelicals recommend ‘ Ragged Schools ’ , Sunday schools , and regular churchgoing as the cure ; they agreed with the Benthamites that education was the ladder leading up the economic scale .
22 A main difference is that Hume , like Hutcheson , was confident that the basic moral attitudes or feelings of men would be uniform once they agreed on the facts of a situation .
23 Since then the personnel committee have considered the report , and they agreed to the recommendations in paragraph 7(a) , 1,3 and 4 , but the third paragraph , 7(a) ( 2 ) to .
24 If they qualify for the Champions League ( last eight ) they get another guaranteed £800,000 , plus around £180,000 a point .
25 make the mobility allowance available to everybody whatever their age , if they qualify on the grounds of disability ;
26 Instead they concentrate on the interests that lie behind the positions .
27 They graze on the algae that grow on the coral .
28 A bit of activity out on the water catches my attention next and I bring the ‘ scope out ; it is a small party of long-tailed duck in their handsome winter plumage , the long tail-streamers of the drakes showing clearly as they display to the females .
29 After that long silences fell between them , and as they rode across the fields the thoughtful frown on Silas 's brow made Lucy wonder if he regretted his offer of comfort by means of an embrace and — and a kiss .
30 The princes were seen from time to time when , with a strong guard , they rode through the streets of the City .
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