Example sentences of "they [verb] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 For example , if they failed to arrange for a minor repair in the science labs and a pupil was hurt as a result , they might be guilty of a safety offence .
2 In addition , models differ as to the nature of the specialization which they postulate to occur for the two hemispheres .
3 The corollary is that if they eventually return to the UK , their foreign domicile will be retained until it can be ascertained that they intend to remain for an indefinite period .
4 Caremore Council believe that Paul has been sexually abusing Jane and they intend to apply for a care order .
5 Therefore , they tend to look for a certain ‘ type ’ .
6 They tend to head for the middle-of-the-road establishments — still quite cheap but a cut above the red-flock wallpaper places . ’
7 They stopped speaking for a while , then Gerry offered to take the helm .
8 They want to vote for the party which makes them better off .
9 The erm he said soon they want to do for the room in the porch there .
10 If they want to go for a longer period , a key worker would go out with them . ’
11 The car 's hydraulics soughed as they tried to compensate for the sudden shift of the bubble but against that gale they were all but useless , and the bubble-canopy clanged on the car 's shell .
12 If investors require an expected return of 8 per cent p.a. , what prices would they expect to pay for the following :
13 If the expected return rises to 15 per cent what would they expect to pay for the above shares ?
14 In this sense the privileges and goods that pupils can ‘ purchase ’ with the points they earn provide for an effective degree of control .
15 That has been the dilemma for Hong Kong — the necessity of staunching the flow — and they deserve understanding for a decision that carries all manner of risks for their own future as 1997 nears .
16 That has been the dilemma for Hong Kong — the necessity of staunching the flow — and they deserve understanding for a decision that carries all manner of risks for their own future as 1997 nears .
17 On the edge of the runway Greg brought the ambulance to a halt and while they prepared to wait for the incoming aircraft , David maintained radio contact with the control tower .
18 Though they went down 2-6 , 2-6 , 6-7 to the experienced Australians , they deserved to qualify for the Masters when Ken Flach and Robert Seguso were forced to withdraw .
19 Swindon Town say they 're disappointed after a Football League Tribunal valued their former player manager Glen Hoddle at only seventy five thousand pounds , when they 'd hoped for a million .
20 Things had been near perfect at that stage , and they 'd gone for a drink later , with Amanda chatting up the barman who had seemed a nice shy boy , if a bit quiet for the job .
21 There they were , they , they 'd gone for a walk round London , and er come back .
22 When that did n't work out he went to Mal at Monad where they 'd gone for the villanelle .
23 And I also said that Dr Kemp had n't turned up at the railway station when they 'd arranged for a taxi to pick him up and take him — ’
24 They 'd gathered for the launch of the Celebrities Cookbook by Richard Wilson , who 's better known as the crusty and cantankerous Victor Meldrew .
25 And he could n't do it , because , the pair of them , I mean , that was , that business was supporting his mother as well and between them , after they 'd paid for the petrol , they were taking in less than a hundred pounds a week and that was for the two of them .
26 Between them they claimed to act for the wrongly deposed King John Balliol ( another reason for the Bruces ' disfavour ) and between them , in the absence of Edward on one of his French campaigns , systematically mopped up English defences across central and south-east Scotland .
27 Then there were Heather and Katie , inseparable friends , who bolstered each other by their mutual devotion ; never had they known a Moment 's shame of friendlessness , never had they had to look for a partner in dancing or in gym , never had they walked alone from classroom to classroom , and their confidence overflowed and imposed itself upon all beholders .
28 You know how they like crusading for the cause of the underdog . ’
29 They began training for the finals in January involving twice-weekly practice sessions in the Barlaston canteen after work .
30 Before the case came to a hearing Parliament sought to improve the revenue 's position by enacting with retrospective effect section 47(1) of the Finance Act 1986 , but this proved ineffective for the purpose and on 31 July 1987 Nolan J. [ 1987 ] S.T.C. 654 decided that the regulations complained of were ultra vires and void in so far as they purported to provide for the imposition of tax on interests and dividends paid by building societies prior to 6 April 1986 , and made an order accordingly .
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