Example sentences of "they [verb] [noun] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They fear plans to widen the availability of alcohol licenses could see off many traditional pubs .
2 Besides , it could be very profitable : PR firms set an inflated value on their own services , and they expected others to do the same .
3 They expected diamonds to have a single atomic structure .
4 They made council housing a priority , and they halved the housing , they promised a better deal for local government and ended up with the elderly freezing in their homes , rubbish piled in the streets and the dead unburied .
5 They made plans to spend the day together .
6 Some drivers tried to help others who were trapped or injured … they made efforts to free the driver who died but could n't reach him .
7 They made representations supporting the proposed inset boundary for Skelton , both the Parish Council and the Village Trust .
8 In a 1970 survey , they asked respondents to name the main social classes and the class to which they would ascribe themselves .
9 As the people of Stockport were taking care of the repairs to the School and contributing to the Master 's salary , they requested permission to appoint a new man without the formality of an interview before the Company in London , which would necessitate an expensive and inconvenient journey .
10 They requested Bowden to give a road-side breath test and it proved positive .
11 When Bass and Courage decided to divest themselves of Taunton , they appointed Schroders to handle a trade sale rather than an MBO .
12 It will be clear from the description of the functions of the Court of Appeal and House of Lords that they make law to meet the needs of cases arising before them and lay down guidelines for judges in courts below .
13 Local authorities have , therefore , begun to help the disabled in their own homes by providing meals services , domestic help and so on , and in some cases they make arrangements to take the disabled person on holiday to give the other members of the household a break , although all of these services are restricted by cash limitations on local authority expenditure .
14 Remember that Labour and Liberal Democrats would not go back to rates — they want people to pay a double income tax — and Labour want a property tax as well .
15 That IRA active service unit I had to knock off in London back in thirty-six — they used underworld contacts a lot , even to buy their explosives . ’
16 They used bulldozers to break the barriers set up by UNIFIL troops to protect the villages .
17 They invited Ramsey to give the inaugural address .
18 Thoroughly alarmed by now , Control pondered what to do , but by the time they phoned Colwyn Bay No 1 box , the train was already standing at the platform , and started to move off .
19 Today they fly south to see a seventh-century Buddha statue and Buddhist temple before boarding a flight to Hong Kong , where the prince will stay for three days while the princess flies home .
20 And they say people using the footpath are in absolutely no danger .
21 They say Mind presumed an inquiry would involve the families and those advising them and we were astonished when it did not .
22 Fortunately for Gower 's tour , India quickly returned to calm after Mrs Gandhi 's death and while a nerve-frazzled team lost the Bombay Test they overcome adversity to win the series 2-1 .
23 Let me read a few verses , reading first of all from verse twelve it says , that when they believed Philip preaching the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ , they were baptized men and women alike .
24 When Lothar 's envoys arrived at Troyes , they told Charles to advance no further , and were unimpressed by his complaints about the treatment of Louis .
25 you know , if they put council put a notice on .
26 But they recognised schools had a problem dealing with diversity .
27 While they ate Travis examined the fishing tackle he had found .
28 There had been no grace but before they ate Julia noticed a moment 's silence had descended .
29 The process of modifying these bold early sketches so that they match experience takes a lifetime .
30 Sometimes they 'd wake in the night , alerted by the jackals howling on the outskirts of the village , and they 'd nose open the heavy doors and go outside on to the roof , joining the other dogs in their chorus of barking .
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