Example sentences of "from which [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A choice of dates is available from which to reckon the life of the College : 1 8 February 1791 , when the London committee decided to call itself The Veterinary College , London , and 8 April 1791 , when the president , vice-presidents and directors were elected and the statutes and regulations were approved .
2 DEC campfollower Terry Shannon has a new observation post from which to watch the goings-on , a monthly ‘ Report on DEC , ’ published by DataTrends Publications Inc it replaces the former ‘ DataTrends Report on DEC. ’ +1 703 760–0660
3 They sat in a corner watching the citizens of every class and station go noisily by , eager to reserve a good place from which to watch the day 's events .
4 Plenty have terraces from which to watch the world go by accompanied by a hot waffle or a glass of beer .
5 Some mains flex and a plug were also needed to connect the cable tidy to the nearby wall socket , and a hook from which to suspend the air pump .
6 In the ninth century King Alfred had built a castle here surrounded by three rectangular moats , from which to guard the road .
7 Start filling them in at least a week before you embark on the diet , so that you have a ‘ base-line ’ from which to judge the effect of the diet .
8 ‘ The Shop is the public face of the Law Society and it 's in an excellent position from which to put the message across , ’ he said , ‘ I am looking forward to becoming involved with a new profession . ’
9 Once reached , the Bower forms a solid haven from which to tackle the final , most demanding , section of the crack .
10 The occupation forces in the territory of defeated enemies might be seen as temporary inconveniences , but there was at the same time a natural tendency to acquire overseas bases from which to extend the reach of America 's armed forces .
11 The New Urban Left saw local authorities as a base from which to demonstrate the advantages of a different approach to politics .
12 With financial help from the Rockefeller family and Gere 's own money the organising committee had a base of £300,000 from which to create the exhibition .
13 The RSPB reserve on the south shore at Vane Farm is an excellent centre from which to see the birds .
14 There are several good vantage places from which to see the falls .
15 Indeed , several employ the recently established body of appraisal and synthesis contained in Oliver Neighbour 's Keyboard and consort music of William Byrd and Joseph Kerman 's Masses and motets as a launch-pad from which to commence the process of establishing the next generation of new observations .
16 Simultaneously the men of the bank support section tugged and pulled their steel wire ropes and tirfor winches into place , to provide anchorages from which to hold the ends of the bridge in the correct depth of water for loading .
17 I have dwelt on the potential capital market and other outside constraints on the plc in order to provide a standpoint from which to view the constraints operating in those cases which are more our concern .
18 A rowing boat on the lake at Highfields Park is an excellent vantage point from which to view the building that most clearly evokes the University of Nottingham .
19 It was not Diana 's day to lunch so they gave me her secluded table from which to view the proceedings .
20 It even understands that by repeating the chorus to the fade , you give Gary Davies a perfect platform from which to give the traffic update .
21 However , in future , the inspectorate will have the results of 6,000 inspections each year from which to draw the basis of its report — and that is in addition to the inspecting that the inspectorate will carry out .
22 A long-standing independent member of the Polish Parliament — the Sejm — he often used this position as a platform from which to criticise the Government and the ruling Party .
23 For those keen to explore , this is an ideal base from which to visit the lake 's jewel-like Borromean islands — delightful miniature attractions created in the 17th century and complete with summer palaces , art treasures and beautiful gardens .
24 Their final goal was to create bases in the Tadjik Republic from which to destabilise the situation in Soviet Central Asia , and to mobilise forces aiming to overthrow the system existing in the Soviet Central Asian Republics ’ .
25 Their final goal was to create bases in the Tadjik Republic from which to destabilise the situation in Soviet Central Asia , and to mobilise forces aiming to overthrow the system existing in the Soviet Central Asian Republics ’ .
26 These two rows of firmly fitted tiles create the ideal base from which to complete the laying
27 So generous is this bequest by birds to their young that a chick needs no additional food from which to build the flesh and bones and feathers of its infant body , and it still has enough energy left over to break its way out of the shell .
28 The restorers have thoughtfully provided viewing platforms from which to contemplate the fabric of Arbroath , and search for such things as a volute capital , or a corbel ; the guide-book mentions an ‘ aumbry in the west wall ’ : it must mean ‘ ambry ’ , a small cupboard , or closet .
29 It is argued that the first and third categories of difference , the psychological and the social or political , constitute the most useful bases from which to consider the link with broader intellectual positions .
30 At a time when capitalism was evidently ruining its working classes , could a state afford to do without a reservoir of healthy countrymen from which to recruit the towns ?
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