Example sentences of "from the [adj] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is based on cattle from the six Dales counties of northern England and is specifically a milking breed rather than dual-purpose .
2 The information from the general descriptions condition in Figure 7.1 shows an interaction between the two types of risk .
3 Of three delegates directly appointed by Gaviria , two were from the Maoist Popular Liberation Army ( EPL ) , including its leader Jairo Morales , and one from the Revolutionary Workers Party ( PRT ) .
4 Away from the western Harbours parties of more than 10 are very unusual in Sussex .
5 On the island of South Harris , Redland Aggregates have applied for planning permission from the Western Isles Council for a ‘ superquarry ’ .
6 Bill Wood , of Woodhouse Lane , Bishop Auckland , transferred from the Metropolitan police force in 1951 and served in the traffic branch , communications , control room and at Darlington .
7 The original valuation regulation was , however , in fact derived from the 1950 Customs Cooperation Council Valuation Convention and this gave rise to a dispute referred to the European Court in the Massey-Ferguson case , as to the legitimacy of using Article 235 in these circumstances .
8 The three , all members of the legislature 's trade and industry committee , were accused of having accepted $60,000 from the Korean Automobiles Manufacturers ' Association in return for helping it to gain the National Assembly 's approval for a package of state aid .
9 I wo n't forget Linford Christie 's eyeballs — bulging , fixed and apparently unseeing as he burst from the 100 metres pack .
10 Audrey Thorne , the North Bucks chairman , said the banishment from the Inter Counties tournament was a blow , particularly for the players .
11 Details of the collection can be obtained from the Colborne Trophies catalogue .
12 From the Scandinavian countries Britain is seen as the dirty man of the acid rain affair , ’ wrote the Guardian 's Anthony Tucker in September 1984 .
13 These courses operate on a developed system derived from the Advanced Courses Development Programme .
14 At the risk of being accused of being a pedlar of yet another quack remedy I wish to argue that a rights-based theory , derived in part from the influential rights thesis recently put forward by Ronald Dworkin ( Dworkin , 1978 ) , is also capable of addressing some of these difficulties confronted by our orthodox political and constitutional theories , in addition to its more immediate relevance with regard to the specific issue of tax diversion ( Dignan , 1983 ) , and other civil libertarian issues ; though to do so it stands in need of some revision .
15 From the earliest days showmen boosted the movies in order to maximize their audience and the whole razzmatazz of salesmanship
16 The two singles wins for Berkshire left the reigning champions in an irretrievable position and the home side added a dash more salt to their opponents ' wounds as they clinched a full eight victory points from the remaining doubles victory .
17 He was appointed to the Survey in July 1889 at the age of twenty-seven , and went to the Northern Highlands of Scotland , where he learned geological field techniques from the experienced surveyors B. N. Peach and C. T. Clough [ qq.v. ] , and where he also developed a lifelong fascination with Pre-Cambrian metamorphic rocks .
18 This aggregate supply curve is of fundamental importance to the macroeconomic policy conclusions often drawn from the rational expectations hypothesis .
19 The policy inefficacy proposition derives , not from the rational expectations hypothesis , but from the behavioural model which underpins the natural rate hypothesis of the new classical macroeconomics .
20 Fortunately , Thames Tunnel Mills adjoins the handsome early-eighteenth century church of St Mary , Rotherhithe , so that when the Department of the Environment designated the church and the surrounding buildings as an outstanding conservation area , the building became eligible for grant aid from the Historic Buildings Council and their help was crucial to the funding of the development .
21 Although the flats are very compact , generally following the standards laid down for this type of housing in DoE Design Bulletin 29 , they share the facilities of a jetty on to the river , and a roof-top conservatory and roof garden , all of which were made possible by a £200,000 grant from the Historic Buildings Council .
22 By contrast , the total amount available in grants from the Historic Buildings Council for England in 1970 — 78 was £4.6 million .
23 Their addresses can be obtained from the Historic Churches preservation Trust , Fulham Palace , Bishop 's Park , London SW6 6EA .
24 Over £7.1 million is available , however , in grants for churches from English Heritage ( with proportionate sums in Scotland and Wales ) , as well as smaller grants from the Historic Churches preservation Trust and the county trusts .
25 This was attended by the Personnel Director and senior representatives from the various personnel branches .
26 Popular music has received very little assistance from the various Arts Councils whose job is to disburse monies from the state and local authorities .
27 More details and entry forms are available from the Low Barns Nature Reserve , Witton-le-Wear , near Bishop Auckland .
28 Other subtle , country hues to look out for are the Alabaster and Mushroom Duo Signature eyeshadow box in Estée Lauder 's 1990 make-up collection ; Shiseido 's Pearl and Onyx Triple System Eyeshadow shades from the Subtle Contrasts collection ; and for the eyelashes , Guerlain 's new treatment Starcils mascara in shades Brun and Noir .
29 Antiquarian and second hand books and prints from the Provincial Booksellers Fairs Association .
30 The Staples Corner explosion — less than a mile from the Metropoltan police training college — went off just after 1am as Mr Kenneth Baker , Home Secretary , arrived at the scene of the City blast .
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