Example sentences of "from the [adj] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Quakers had plenty of the early play but failed to create any clear chances from the six corners they forced in the opening period .
2 Quakers had plenty of the early play but failed to create any clear chances from the six corners they forced in the opening period .
3 She knew that much from the English-language books she 'd read during the evenings , sitting in the Sabatini library .
4 ‘ Apart from the actual poems it was a very vivid dream .
5 From the earliest times it was said that sugar was brought to Madeira by Prince Henry the Navigator to capture the trade from the Genoese and Venetians .
6 Yet from the earliest times it has been suggested that in the insane there is indeed a hint of genius and , by the same token , that originality demands a degree of lunacy .
7 from the earliest years he was enveloped in a clash of ‘ mythologies ’ , to use his word , and grew up aware of their contributive , as well as their competitive , differences .
8 From the complex reflections it receives , the dolphin can build up a detailed picture of the scene .
9 The basic difference is that simple carbohydrates are refined complex carbohydrates , so that if you remove the nutrients from the complex carbohydrates you end up with simple ones .
10 Glycogen is produced from complex carbohydrate , and therefore the energy required for training is ultimately derived from the complex carbohydrates you eat .
11 ( The truth is I do n't want to forgive her , because it will free her from the grappling irons I have on her .
12 To be honest I 'm still smarting from the various wounds she inflicted .
13 And she would have little illusion about being able to save anything from the low wages she would receive from any of the available jobs .
14 From the many letters I receive I know how popular my teddy patterns have become and so I have done two special seasonable designs , this one depicting a teddy pulling a sledge full of gifts and for the next issue two teddies … well , perhaps you had better buy the magazine to find out for yourself !
15 I was genuinely concerned that Bev might be under some stress or pressure from the many attacks she was dealing with .
16 I do believe that one of the best ways we 're going to benefit from the new circumstances I hope of economic stability of low inflation and low taxation , will be to ensure that the provision of capital is made by the principle institutions , namely the banks and the investing institutions .
17 We should take heart from the encouraging stories I have heard recently about the success some retailers have had in selling British cheeses to the French .
18 The lawyer never spoke to anyone , never smiled and never lifted his eyes from the innumerable papers he seemed to be reading through his monocle .
19 Where information is adequate from the poorest nations it points to a close relationship between poverty , underdevelopment and the spread of AIDS .
20 Another type of chart helps parents begin to stand back from the emotional reactions they have and see what is happening with their child .
21 How can we escape from the emotional addictions we carry in ourselves ?
22 This differed from the two experiments we have just described in several ways .
23 From the two programmes I learned that , if cash is really short , the DSS will pay for a funeral .
24 Sydney is a big as Los Angeles , and I was now far from the two teams I liked — Wests and St George .
25 Next day the agreement was signed by Attlee and Aung San and the delegation departed : apart from the two dissidents they were well satisfied .
26 After that , his senses remained strained and alert for several hundred paces , but there was no more hint of a shadow , and as he moved away from the busier streets he became increasingly confident that he was alone .
27 ‘ Well , apart from the potted shrimps I think I can assure you , Inspector , that one way and another all the other dishes were shared . ’
28 Mr Stanforth was not entirely what she had expected , but neither , she deduced from the covert glances he was using upon her like measuring instruments , was she quite matching up to his preconceived picture of her .
29 Alcatel Cable SA , Douvrin , France is increasing its optical fibre production to meet demand — when two new plants come on full stream in the middle of next year , annual output will grow to 930,000 miles from the 590,000 miles it did last year , bringing it close to the current number two , AT&T Co , but still way behind the 1.25m miles produced annually by Corning Inc .
30 From the four Gospels we can see the extent to which our Lord invested his time in people .
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