Example sentences of "from the [noun prp] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 One day in February , just six weeks after Sarah accepted Nahum Morey 's proposal , Edward Wooldridge ran home from the Chertsey Infants ' School on the corner of St Anne 's Road as fast as his six-year-old legs would carry him .
2 Writing in the American magazine Astronautics and Aeronautics , Gretton-Watson suggests that the huge volume of natural gas from the Gulf states ' oil fields could be turned into liquid hydrogen , an important fuel in high energy rockets .
3 Born in 1888 of working-class parents in Belopole , a small Ukrainian town , he had graduated from the Poltava Teachers ' Institute in 1917 with a gold medal .
4 Volunteers from Mary Edwards ' Surbiton class participated in a demonstration class and Pat Keen and four members from the Surrey Teachers ' Display Team ably shoed many aspects of our work as well as performing their latest item .
5 Following on from the Kronstadt sailors ' revolt in that year , Lenin introduced a resolution at the Tenth Congress of the Party in March 1921 , which in substance adopted Trotsky 's earlier proposals .
6 Most of the graphs were set on a steep , ascending curve , apart from the Husayn twins ' ; they started in the top left hand corner and were headed , inexorably , for the far right end of the bottom line .
7 ‘ Rooster ’ comes to the compilation courtesy of The Rolling Stones ' 1964 remake of Howling Wolf 's original , yet I doubt any of these would recognise the song from the Reid boys ' howling assault on it .
8 The Underground Resistance double set captures hard-to-find missives from the Detroit techno-terrorists ' formidable back catalogue .
9 COHSE members coming out on strike because of their refusal to take a little boy into the theatre for an operation , pin-ups being removed from the Yorkshire miners ' newspaper , painkillers being laced with poison in the US , John Nott walking out on Robin Day in front of the TV cameras , Helmut Kohl taking over from ( crash ) Helmut Schmidt and public service pay rises being kept down to 3 ½ per cent , every single event being , in some eyes , a disaster .
10 Carol Andrew , known for her work with the Carol Andrew Singers , replaces Connie Overend , who recently retired from the Blackwell Ladies ' Choir .
11 Rebel supporters from the Barnet Supporters ' Association called for a boycott of all matches .
12 Rebel supporters from the Barnet Supporters ' Association called for a boycott of all matches .
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