Example sentences of "from the [noun pl] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Peter Brown ( BA Business Studies , 1992 ) won the event with a score of 71 and was presented with the Craiglockhart Cup — a gift from the Alumni Office to the Society on its inception .
2 Dedication from the Gardeners Dictionary to Hugh Percy , Duke of Northumberland
3 It took Quiss longer than he had expected to get to the castle kitchens ; they 'd changed some of the corridors and stairways en route from the games room to the lower levels , and Quiss , taking what he thought was the usual way , had found himself making an unexpected left turn and coming to a windy , deserted , echoing chamber which looked out over the white landscape to the tall wooden towers of the slate mines .
4 He had pursued the errant couple from The Times party to Brighton 's only Portuguese restaurant and back to the lift in the Grand Hotel .
5 The cultural challenge is to move these stories from the sports page to the business page .
6 what kind of things do you want to have audio described , so there are , I mean there 's still quite a bit , but she got quite excited about the idea of involving one of the proper , well not proper , one of the , you know , official professional market research firms , as well in terms of doing this work , maybe , maybe getting money from the Arts Council to actually pay them
7 Even in 1986 — when TFI was privatized and when the deregulation of broadcasting involved a transfer of power from the Communications Ministry to the Regulatory Body , the CNCL — employees of the Law Department of the CNCL stressed the importance of the residual powers of the government , exercised partly via the ‘ cahiers des charges ’ .
8 A reply from the Highways Department to Councillor H.D.G. Fraser in connection with the two badly damaged light columns in Baberton Mains Avenue .
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