Example sentences of "from [noun sg] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Opposition parties operating from exile include the Ugandan People 's Democratic Movement ( UPDM , led by Otema Alimadi , Prime Minister under Obote from 1980-85 ) , with which the government signed a peace agreement in July 1990 [ see p. 37602 ] .
2 The argument from analogy concedes the first half of this but denies the second , claiming that we have at least some evidence to the contrary .
3 There are many interesting walks around Lockington and from vantage points the pantiled roofs of the village interspersed with some ancient trees ( alas , many have succumbed to Dutch elm disease ) provide a delightful panorama .
4 Judging by the amount of political column inches devoted to stating the ‘ obvious ’ irrationality of the programme 's political contentions , it would appear that one or two ‘ sensible ’ capitalist newspaper owners and editors did take time off from lunch to ensure the sensible British public did not get the wrong idea about A Very British Coup .
5 Even if the message is designed for everybody , a warning shot from heaven to warn the whole human race , we 're still special !
6 Clause 1 confirms that drivers hired from Overdrive become the temporary employees of the haulier and are under the complete control of the haulier .
7 As reported , they are the first machines from Apple to include the long-promised signal processor — Apple is using AT&T Co 's AT&T 32-bit 3210 , which will be built into the system 's motherboard and will drive such tasks as real-time data processing , speech recognition , audio compression , high-speed data communications , three-dimensional rendering , video image processing and 16-bit stereo sound .
8 The claim , if proved , would of course , create tremendous market share and persuade many ISVs still hanging back from Unix to make the great leap forward .
9 The ruthless punishment meted out to senior officials who fell from favour reflected the general lack of legal safeguards for life and property .
10 Other groups such as the Essene sect had withdrawn completely from society to await the eschatological consummation of the Kingdom .
11 The very separation of the institutions of art from society neutralized the critical impulse of modernism , whereas realism functioned to centre , rather than to decentre , bourgeois identity .
12 From Seathwaite follow the main route to the crest of the Walna Scar ridge ( 2.5 miles ) and continue on the Walna Scar road downhill round the southern slopes of the Old Man to the village of Coniston ( 3.5 miles ) .
13 The fact that the UK launch presentation attracted around 260 people from the Ministry of Defence and around 10 from commerce indicates the potential market , and in fact the first customers for the product come from the military .
14 The fact that the UK launch presentation attracted around 260 people from the Ministry of Defence and around 10 from commerce indicates the potential market , and in fact the first customers for the product come from the military .
15 Such an argument proved powerfully attractive ; both the Whiggish Burnet and the Williamite Tory , Edmund Bohun , believed that arguments from conquest had the greatest effect in bringing people over to the new government .
16 The nine gods emerging from creation formed the Heliopolitan ennead .
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