Example sentences of "from [det] [prep] [Wh det] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Figure 3.4 shows the results of an experiment by Channell and Hall ( 1983 ) in which rats received appetitive conditioning with a light CS — some subjects in a context to which they had been pre-exposed , others in a novel context , differing in its smell and the level of a background noise from that with which they were familiar .
2 All this makes the Japanese system decidedly different from that with which it is often carelessly linked : continental Europe .
3 To add to the uncertainty , the age at which a person is considered old enough to vote may be different from that at which they are allowed to marry or fight for their country .
4 We make an indirect observation by first making a direct observation of a sign , and then making an inference from that to what we believe the sign signifies .
5 Were one to define the Pacific in terms of its tectonics alone , then it would be a sea considerably shrunk from that to which we are accustomed .
6 I may have to learn a notion of proof different from that to which I am accustomed .
7 So experience is important , but , apart from that in which we are purely passive recipients of what happens to us , we have to have the will and the courage to seek it .
8 He plays with the quintet in a quite different sense from that in which they play at revolutionary politics ; though , bemused by him , set at odds , their purposes deflected and their fantasies fed and coaxed along , it does n't seem like playing to them .
9 Are there significant sub-plots which cast some of the characters in the drama in a very different light from that in which they are officially cast ?
10 But there is already much evidence that the market is prepared to pay for services in a way quite different from that in which it pays for products .
11 Her irresponsible Flora , who sees herself as ‘ the soul of kindness ’ , and indeed is adored by people who see her in a very different light from that in which she sees herself , is ( or would be , if she were allowed ) catastrophic in her influence on other lives .
12 A man inherits his father 's nose in a different sense from that in which he inherits his watch .
13 As a subscriber , I will receive , about every two months , a FREE edition of the book review magazine , from each of which I agree to buy at least one book .
14 Bach classified these bacteria into seven different groups , from each of which he prepared a vaccine , and he was able to work out the temperaments associated with each group .
15 So she knew that in the few years since she had last been in England great changes had begun to take place from some of which she might clearly benefit .
16 Moreover , even for the common members the speeds and angles with which they cross the orbit of Mars differ from those at which they cross the orbit of the Earth-Moon system , and this further changes the exposure .
17 They appear to take to aquarium life quite readily and adapt to conditions which are obviously vastly different from those into which they have been born and become accustomed in the wild .
18 But despite the obvious appeal of this rather pragmatic use of the social class concept , difficulties emerged in societies with social structures different from those in which it had been used apparently successfully .
19 The question then is to distinguish cases in which the public benefit is direct and entire from those in which it is indirect and partial , and thereby to obtain a definition which , unlike Lord Macnaghten 's , is a sufficient as well as a necessary condition of charity .
20 The classrooms in which such learning takes place may look very different from those in which I sat as a child 50 years ago ( the walls are covered with paintings and there is a computer in the corner , the desks are informally arranged ) but the assumption that all learning is determined , ordered and mediated through the teacher is the common thread which links the schools of the 1980s with those of my pre-war childhood .
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