Example sentences of "from [pron] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He looked from me to the suitcase and back again in amazement .
2 They all have common engine mounting bolt holes in the block and the depth from them to the back of the engine is common .
3 At first this was hard to prove , since local authorities were now given many new relief duties : at the same time a number of extensive taxation rights were transferred away from them to the Centre .
4 My mother still had Christmas cards from them to the end of her life .
5 He stabbed a man scrambling up the bulwarks beside him , and cheered as Hector 's galleys swept up to the shore and another horde of Macleans poured from them to the rescue of their clansmen .
6 But all that we are requiring of him is that , widening his viewpoint from himself to the community , he has taken account of the communal effects of theft , before , as himself not the weigher but the balance , he allows himself finally to settle against or in favour of taking the money .
7 Unless we hear from you to the contrary within the next days , you will be held as admitting liability ’ .
8 Donald felt the pressure from her and stared from one to the other , letting them feel his defiance and distaste .
9 Wexford looked from one to the other .
10 The dividing line between border and pathway melts as plants spill over from one to the other .
11 The distance between any two points would then he proportional to the number of neurones a message must traverse to get from one to the other ; it would also be roughly proportional to the time taken for a neural message to travel between them .
12 It is relatively easy to move from one to the other .
13 Experts continue to disagree about how to extrapolate from one to the other , although it is generally accepted that even the smallest dose carries a health risk .
14 Mrs Marsden looked from one to the other in confusion .
15 I remembered moving from one to the other , explaining : I am a writer ; the notebooks are what is precious to me .
16 ‘ You think I should keep two establishments and sneak furtively from one to the other like some sort of guilty adulterous cad ? ’
17 Sir George looked from one to the other .
18 Taking in every inch of their bodies , she said , looking from one to the other , she said , in her famously well-timed drawl , That 's just how I want you .
19 The 1960s were marked by a strong interest in the relationship between primary and secondary education , and in possible changes in the age of transfer from one to the other .
20 Sometimes a grammar school and a secondary modern school were located close to one another , even on the same ‘ campus ’ , in order to facilitate the sharing of resources , or the movement of pupils from one to the other .
21 She nodded from one to the other ; then watched the young man open the door and stand aside to allow his wife to pass before him .
22 She came in and bolted the door , then stood with her back to it , looking from one to the other .
23 I 've never seen anything like it before , ’ and she was looking from one to the other , wondering which one it was meant to fit , when Miss Rene startled her by saying , ‘ Well , get your coat and things off and try it on . ’
24 ‘ Oh , yes , yes ’ — the old lady nodded from one to the other at the table now — ‘ in a crocodile , from the school to the church , from the school to the conciergerie , from the … ’
25 And , looking from one to the other , she now said , ‘ Goodnight , fellows , and a happy Christmas . ’
26 Betty Felton now put her head back and looked from one to the other of her four sons and she said , ‘ Aye , there 's a confectioner 's an' baccy shop in that street .
27 She watched the big woman flop back and onto a chair , then look from one to the other of her silent sons as she said , ‘ Did you hear that ?
28 When at last they came to the lower end of Spring Street , Agnes stopped and , looking from one to the other , she said , ‘ This is where I live ; I 'll be all right now .
29 Denis hesitated and looked from one to the other , then he put the paten under Noreen 's chin .
30 They need to be tough minded as well as lovingly tender and to know when to ‘ change gear ’ from one to the other .
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