Example sentences of "from [noun] to [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Transitions from g to g and from u to u states are forbidden ; only transitions from u to g or from g to u states are allowed .
2 A butler , a Polynesian in a trim white jacket , approached us with a tray of drinks ranging from champagne to gin fizzes or Scotch and sodas .
3 In this procedure b is said to be parallel transported from B to A. Comparison of local vectors in a curved space is less straightforward because it is no longer possible to set up a single Cartesian coordinate system to cover all space .
4 And to move from B to Z movies , connoisseurs of the bizarre can now lay in their own copy of Edward Woods ’ Plan 9 From Outer Space ( Palace , £14.99 ) , once voted the most incompetent film of all time .
5 The echoing Musée d'Art et d'Histoire , part of the complex , has Egyptian and Roman relics , Flemish tapestries and altarpieces , while the dusty Musée de l'Armée is crammed with rusted relics of Belgian battles from Waterloo to World War II .
6 Thereafter his close relationship with Britten proved a powerful source of inspiration for the composer ; a vast quantity of music — including thirteen operatic roles ( from Grimes to Gustav von Aschenbach in Death in Venice ( 1973 ) ) , song-cycles ( with piano and with orchestra ) , five canticles and solo parts in major choral works such at St Nicolas ( 1948 ) , Spring Symphony ( 1949 ) and War Requiem ( 1961 ) was composed specifically for Pears .
7 Transitions from g to g and from u to u states are forbidden ; only transitions from u to g or from g to u states are allowed .
8 Each night , for 10 week nights , BBC 2 will show a five-minute programme in which a celebrity ( previous years ' have ranged from Sting to Ted Heath ) describes the condition of a prisoner-of-conscience .
9 While he expressed no great desire to conquer Poland , he had ambitions to build a land bridge of Prussian-controlled territory from Brandenburg to East Prussia , and to regulate the grain trade through Danzig and along the Vistula in order to raise revenues to expand and equip the Prussian army .
10 That tightrope was walked every weekend when Charles and Diana took the train with their nanny from Norfolk to Liverpool Street station in London where their mother met them .
11 Despite the impression given by some authors ( e.g. Brimson , 1987 ) , a company does not necessarily develop its production methods along a continuum from JIT to CIM systems .
12 The village developed gradually , and although road communications were poor there was a stage coach going through the village from Hull to Patrington Haven .
13 Shortly after , one man developed symptoms that would not be expected from exposure to sulphur hexafluoride : he coughed up bloodstained fluid and doctors diagnosed fluid on the lungs .
14 Nonsmokers are at risk of contracting lung cancer from exposure to other people 's smoke .
15 The VHPB considers that local policies to prevent infection from exposure to blood-borne pathogens should be developed in collaboration with those actually working in occupational health and infection control .
16 Acute haemolytic crises usually result from exposure to oxidant drugs , fava beans , bacterial or viral infections , or severe acidosis — for example , diabetic ketoacidosis .
17 To what extent will business shift from banking to other types of lending ?
18 The difference is , now the voice has an upgraded environment in which to shine , like a great oil painting shifted from bedsit to art gallery .
19 From Fulham to Harley Street was an extravagant removal , not the kind of move that young professional couples made , in those days , but the Headleands , ambitious , imaginative , self-appointed pioneers of they knew not what , had done it , and with aplomb .
20 From case to care management
21 It gathers up the movement of the house as we pass from kitchen to living room or dining room , or kitchen to bedrooms .
22 However , in the USA , the chemical fallout from industry and agriculture has prompted an environmental expert to warn of the many unseen air pollutants which are not covered by the Clean Air Act and are damaging not only to human health — linked to ills from leukaemia to heart disease — but are implicated in the formation of ‘ acid rain' which has devastated vast tracts of forest ( Begley , 1988 ) .
23 The walk this month took members from Redford to Stedham Mill .
24 Indeed the ex-editor of Classical Music contacted the publisher to ask why they had reverted to Times as the body copy typeface , he had changed it from Times to ITC Clearface , and was duly surprised to find that the reason was to do with the fact that the title was being produced on a desktop publishing system .
25 They might be from almost any walk of life from whore to female preacher , and would follow their army ( or any army in some cases ) throughout the campaigns .
26 A beastie to carry the burden From cherub to abstract flying muse , Ruth Wishart reveals only the fifth logo to be attached to the Edinburgh International Festival
27 The most famous of all is the one that runs from Osmotherley to Raven Scar known as the Lyke Wake Walk , along which corpses were carried forty miles .
28 reacts in the atmosphere with ammonia from agriculture to form haze
29 The Plowden Report on primary schools was awaited , and a wholesale tinkering with the age of transfer from primary to secondary school would obviously be unwelcome .
30 Some 24 per cent of children drop out at the transition from primary to secondary school , while at secondary level there has recently been a significant rise in the drop-out rate .
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