Example sentences of "but rather [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What must be accepted at the very basis of any enquiry is that it is not , as Taylor puts it , " a command , as in conventional search strategy , but rather as a description of an area of doubt in which the question is open-ended , negotiable and dynamic . "
2 The British crown lacked power ; Alexander III of Russia described it as ‘ hardly to be counted as a monarchy , but rather as a Crown by election ’ .
3 It seems thought will be given to playing Tony Stanger in the centre to provide a bit more physique in defence and on that theme Michael Dods could be destined to be left out , not because he has played badly , but rather as a reflection that the powerhouse physiques are prone to get the better of him in escaping tackles .
4 So what is invested as surplus-value in one production period is not seen as surplus-value in the following production period , but rather as a cost .
5 This work shows that gastric acid secretion does not decline as a result of healthy ageing , but rather as a consequence of the development of atrophic changes of the gastric mucosa .
6 It is not intended as a guide to the relative merits of competing products — Which ? magazine , with its comparative testing reports , fills that role — but rather as a guide to the tools , materials and techniques needed for home plumbing and to the various plumbing jobs around the home , including the installation of central heating .
7 Perceiving is therefore not thought of as an instant-by-instant following of a phenomenon with the senses , but rather as a condition ( conceived as an abstract before-position ) from whose existence the occurrence of the infinitive action can be inferred resultatively or factually , the latter being conceived therefore as an after-position .
8 The Nazarean Party must not therefore be seen as a separate unit , but rather as a nucleus — the equivalent of a general staff , a privy council or a cabinet .
9 Thus — and this is a critical point — refusal of consent is seen not as an assertion of will , but rather as a symptom of unsoundness of mind .
10 Ideally this does not ensue from flagrant compromises in outlook and working methods but rather as a result of being true to real aims and objectives .
11 Thse observations suggest that HCO 3 - is not absorbed directly but rather as a result of H + secretion via apical Na + /H + exchange .
12 At the heart of her case lies the claim that the merchant , like the monk , is not generous as a virtue but rather as a matter of " " calculated business policy " " , for the sake of appearing creditworthy : We may creaunce whil we have a name , But goldlees for to be , it is no game .
13 Like Sartre , he sought to constitute Marxism as a form of truth , but attempted to prove its truth not through the dialectic of history but rather as a science , authenticating Marx 's ‘ immense theoretical revolution ’ epistemologically through a demonstration of its scientificity .
14 In 1930 Nizan noted " I dislike the philosophy of oppressors because I feel that I have been the victim of oppression ; reconciliation with oppression does not strike me as a victory for freedom , but rather as a death sentence . "
15 ‘ Once upon a time I 'd 've made you turn religious , ’ said Constance , and suddenly it occurred to Scarlet that really she was already religious , as anyone who had borne a child must surely be : not in the conventional sense but rather as a passenger on a train would expect someone to be at the controls .
16 As Beatson has stated , ‘ a system that uses the pragmatic approach is not using the concept of error of law as an organizing principle ’ as such , but rather as a facade behind which to weigh the relative competence of court and agency .
17 A biology of hierarchy grounded in a metaphysically prior ‘ great chain of being ’ gave way to a biology of incommensurability in which the relationship of men to women , like that of apples to oranges , was not given as one of equality or inequality but rather as a difference whose meaning required interpretation and struggle .
18 Peterle said that he did not view the planned date of Slovenia 's declaration of independence as the first day of full independence , but rather as a step in a gradual process .
19 What was overlooked in our discussion of stylistic competence is that our intuitive " placing " of a text depends not on an undifferentiated capacity to compare a text with the norm of the language , but rather on a responsiveness to a set of norms : a norm for spoken conversation , a norm for news reporting , a norm for writing diaries , a norm for historical novels , etc .
20 Here , it is not doing duty for a use of rhinoceros but rather for a mention of it .
21 Generally , in looking at style in a text , one is not interested in choices in isolation , but rather at a pattern of choices : something that belongs to the text as a whole .
22 The man spoke Imperial Gothic with no trace of the local husky accent , but rather with a kind of spooky affectation — almost , thought Jaq , an alien affectation .
23 Nobody forces you to consume the equivalent of halfa dozen eggs at one meal , but it is very easy to do so , so if you have eaten a mousseline of scallops , red mullet , and écrevisses floating in a lake of sabayon sauce , then do not follow it with a honey ice cream or one of those ali baba affairs nor with a peach charlotte containing five egg yolks , but rather with a tarte fine chaude aux pommes acidulées , which is nothing more outlandish or richer than an old-fashioned apple tart made on a base of puff pastry .
24 Usually , other world religions will be presented separately and in an open-ended approach — neither from a committed stance nor for commitment but rather with a view to fostering respect and understanding of other people 's beliefs and customs .
25 This term refers not to a single theory but rather to a set of assumptions underlying a particular approach to the study of perception and cognition .
26 Here the history of such sciences does not consist in the gradual unfolding and emergence of scientific truths , but rather of a history of ‘ veridical discourses ’ .
27 Havel stressed that the dismissal was a reflection not of any disappointment with Vacek 's work , but rather of a resolve that the post should go to a civilian .
28 It should be in the form not of a ‘ plan of action ’ but rather of a manifesto , which provides the framework of a sustained commitment to , and implementation of , development goals and their operational components , and embodies institutional mechanisms for continuous negotiation , monitoring , appraisal , criticism and modification .
29 Many sediments are composed not of one single grain size population , but rather of a combination of sub-populations .
30 That seems to me to be a very moving description of somebody who is preaching to people , not from any sense of superiority , but rather from a sense of human concern and caring about the people that she is addressing , and this makes the way in which George Eliot writes about her very different from the way in which other methodist preachers have been described either as ranters , erm or as people who are so caught up in what they are saying themselves that the fail to make any pay any attention to the people that they are addressing .
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