Example sentences of "but he be [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Another American film of that year , A Workingman 's Dream , has a very weary hero who fails to find a job at a factory ; he falls asleep and dreams of a Professor Wonderful who offers him instant wealth and a new set of clothes , but he is told that these new gains will disappear if he breaks certain simple instructions ; on three occasions he accidentally carries out simple actions which break the instructions and his wealth disappears ; he wakes up to see an ambulance taking a worker from the factory — there is a vacancy and this time his application is successful .
2 Seve 's always been convinced the Americans have got it in for him , anyway , but he 's said that about the French , the Italians , the Japanese .
3 Mervyn had to repeat his observation three times before they understood , but he was determined that they should get the message .
4 Because of his debt to his followers , Franco knew that a certain free play had to be allowed within the regime , but he was determined that he alone would control its limits and what was permissible within them .
5 But he was told that he would have to pay rent for the land until the end of time , so he gave up the idea .
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